HomeAssistant can't connect to internet

I’m having a problem with my Home Assistant install.
The install doesn’t seem to be able to connect to the internet anymore. All the cloud-dependent integrations fail.

I’m running the Docker container supervised on Ubuntu 20.04 (Linux Mint)
When I open a shell in the homeassistant Docker container, it can ping to an external IP but not to a domain name, so it might have something to do with DNS

I can only upload one image per post so I uploaded the screenshot with the ping here

What could be the exact problem here?

You answered your own question.



I am experiencing the same issue - did you find any fix?

Are you also running supervised on ubuntu? If so, don’t.

im running the Container one and got the same issue not having internet access on HA

I had this problem too, added dns section into compose file and it fixed the problem:


- “”
- “”