Homeassistant Cloud is Constantly spamming me warning emails! Report cloud as spammer IP

I have issue that Nabu Casa is spamming me every 5 minutes with warningn email. It started 4 days ago, after updating to 2022.2.1

My HA is now LATEST 2022.2.5 and for some reason it thinks that I have 0.65.5 Core??? I have asked nabu Casa to resolve issue eveyday, but no results. So I get 288 emails every day from them!!

Im forced to report Ha cloud as Spammer IP, because there is no help for me in 4 days fomr their support.
Funny thing is also, im paying customer and I cannot use their clour service because of this BUG.

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If you haven’t already, I’d post in the #cloud channel of the Home Assistant Discord.

I dont have discord =)

I got now =)

Instead of reporting them, can you just block them with a spam filter until the issues is resolved?

If it is not reported, how will they know there is an issue?

I just sent RAW data on discord to them. Waiting…
Issue resolved! I had one old HA running backgroud in container! I did not know it… =(

SUPER thankfull for Cogneato on Discord!

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