Homeassistant consuming disc space

Home Assistant: 0.111.4
Supervisor: 227
HassOS: 4.10

Homeassistant is installed to my Raspberry Pi3 using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and B+ 32-bit image.

The database is stored on the separate Synology server using MariaDB. During the last month I have noticed that the space on the microSD card is reducing every day.

Also I have a few working addons: ESPHome, File Editor, Mosquitto Broker, chrony, zigbee2mqtt.
There is no special error logs which can affect the disk space.
I have only 3 snapshots 270 MB each.

df -h output (via SSH addon):

What I can do to solve this problem? There was no such problem several weeks ago.

The Hassos 4.x branch stores bigger (and better) logs. There is already a topic on that.

Where I can about read this? Will hassos 4.x stop to save all the logs and eventually rotate it?

Once the logs reach 4 GB.

Can you please give the link to read about this?

I would have to search myself. Passed by here I think a week or week-ànd-half ago.


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