Homeassistant frontend refuse connection

Dear experts,

I try to get ssl for my homeassistant configuration, that follow this thread:

I successfully generate the certificate and privkey, and set up the configuration. However, after I restart homeassistant, it can work at the background, but the front end refuse the connection.

Anyone meet this problem before? Is there any setting that needed to enable?


Did you update the http: section of your configuration.yaml?

Have you switched to using https://yourduckdns.org?

Are you trying to access from inside or outside your network?

Hi, Thanks for reply.

Although I chmod to get access to letencrypt folder, it still fails.

I tried for whole day, and find one solution.

I find that I need to copy and past the certs to homeassistant folder, and in the configuration, the ssl cert & key has to be quoted.

api_password: !secret pi_password
ssl_certificate: ‘/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/fullchain.pem’
ssl_key: ‘/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/privkey.pem’