Homeassistant Glow Questions

Hi, I am looking to integrate Homeassistant Glow for my smartmeter, just had a few questions.

Does this unit need to be calibrated or set up in any way? How does it know what current usage is specific for my provider?

Or does it just record a pulse for every 1kW of power measured as a standard across the board? As, during testing, I provided a flash to the unit and the energy did not increase by 1kW but more by 0.1kW.

Not sure if im missing something here but I have done NOTHING with power consumption monitoring in HA.


It just counts the pulses and time between. It uses the pulse_meter component in ESPHome. You’ll have to figure out the pulse rate of the led on your power meter and set that in the settings. For example: My power meter led blinks for every 0.001 kWh consumed, so I set the pulse rate to 1000 imp/kWh.

Yea it’s got written next to the led 1000 imp/kWh, I assume that’s a standard as a lot of the meters have this.

It’s quite common, but some power meters has a pulse rate of 10.000 imp/kWh. I’ve never seen any other pulse rates than 1.000 or 10.000 though.

Btw. I got inspired by Home Assistant Glow, and created my own version. You can find it here:

Excellent, ill have a look at this.

What is different?

I have used your YAML, looks nice.

However, I have my costs being pulled via a scrape and provided as sensors.

Any way to integrate these to update dynamically with your esphome YAML as the cost.

If you have a spot price sensor in HA, you can just import that.

ha_price_sensor: 'nordpool_kwh_dk2_dkk_4_095_025'

Change the substitution above to point to your spot price sensor, and it’ll automatically use that price to calculate accumulated costs.

Oh damn thats awesome.


Might be cool if we could add multiple price sensors for different times,

Eg, off peak, on peak, weekend etc.

Sat/sun use sensor.weekend_power_rate
17:00 to. 20:00 use sensor.power_off_peak etc

I think it would be better creating a template sensor in HA that does that, and then import that sensor into the ESPHome config.

Something along these lines:

  {% if now().day_of_week = 1 or now().day_of_week = 7 %}        
    {{ states('sensor.weekend_power_rate') | float(0) }}
  {% elif now().hour >= 17 and now().hour <= 20 %}
    {{ states('sensor.power_on_peak') | float(0) }}
  {% else %}
    {{ states('sensor.power_off_peak') | float(0) }}
  {% endif %}


Question, does the Monthly total reset based on HA time/date?


Yes, the configuration is set up to use HA as time server. I, however, use the sntp server provided by my router (which runs OpenWRT) nowadays.

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