Homeassistant homematic CCU integration error: Skipping init for homeassistant-ccuhomeatic

I am a little lost right now with the homematic integration.

I did set up homematic integration in configuration.yaml .
Entities are shown with name resolution as well as, but are hidden (need to press on show all) but I can use them and show the devices e.g. in a dashboard.
CCU is shown in entirety as well as but with no value.

But the devices do not show up in devices tab and I get this error in the logs.

Logger: pyhomematic._hm
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyhomematic/_hm.py:676
First occurred: 23:31:08 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:31:08

Skipping init for homeassistant-ccuhomeatic

ccuhomeatic is the name I assigned in the configuration file.

also this shows up:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/events.py:81
First occurred: 23:31:07 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:31:07

Setup of homematic is taking over 10 seconds.

Here is the config:

      port: 2001
      resolvenames: json
      username: !secret homematic_user
      password: !secret homematic_password
      port: 2010
      resolvenames: json
      username: !secret homematic_user
      password: !secret homematic_password
      port: 9292
      resolvenames: json
      username: !secret homematic_user
      password: !secret homematic_password
      path: /groups
      username: !secret homematic_user
      password: !secret homematic_password
  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.homematic: debug

The ccu is shown in entitys as well as but with no values

'${sysVarAlarmMessages}': 0
'${sysVarAlarmZone1}': ''
'${sysVarPresence}': true
'${sysVarServiceMessages}': 0
friendly_name: ccuhomeatic
icon: 'mdi:gradient'

This is the configuration of my ccu3

Does anyone got a clue what may be wrong and why the devices are not shown as devices but only hidden entities?

I assume you are new to Home Assistant + HomeMatic. Your configuration is working perfectly fine in my opinion.

  1. The HomeMatic integration is an old integration. It does not create devices, only entities. That may change some day. But until then, you won’t get devices, just entities.
  2. The error about skipping the init is not an error. Your ccuhomeatic config is only for the CCU entity. Hence there are no evets to subscribe to. That’s already done by the elements configured in the interfaces section. Hence the so called init is skipped.
  3. The HomeMatic integraiton is slow during startup. That’s just how it is. So it’s just an information that you can ignore.
  4. The entity does have a numceric value, which indicates the number of Servicemeldungen. If you don’t have any of these, then it’s 0 and everything is fin with your system.
    The attributes you are seeing like ${}sysVar... are system variables of the CCU you can optionally monitor using template sensors. But if you don’t use them, you can ignore that as well.

So all in all you have been successful in setting up HomeMatic. :+1:

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Thank you for your answer.
It helps to know that it’s not a bug I was hunting.
