Homeassistant.io notifications

So for possible a few months I’m not getting emails from the homeassistant.io for say if I post something on there and say someone replied, I get nothing.

Anyone have any idea on what I can do?

Just posting here to try and see if there in my junk

I have the post set to watching, do you think that’s the correct option? Not sure if it should be tracking or normal

Are you getting responses in the app, forget about emails?

I find lately this site very elitist and frustrating to get help as a beginner. I now use the HA Facebook group with more success. The people here are very skilled but usually just tell you that all the work you’ve done is wasted and to try some complex method that a beginner will have no clue of understanding. Lately I’m not receiving any responses to questions, like I’ve been blacklisted.

Great project but not a community for beginners.

App? Since when was there an app?

Yeah I know what you’re saying, I had something similar with the reddit group and gave the facebook group a try with more success

Companion app.

Oh sorry, I didn’t know you meant the companion app. I don’t get notified from this forum on the companion app, is that something which can be done?

Now you’ve got me confused. The companion app has nothing to do with this forum. If you want to get notified when there is a response to your message on this forum, then just set up your preferences properly. Here’s a screenshot of the page:

Yes that’s exactly what I was asking, I apologise for my explanation!

Than for letting me know :+1:t2: