HomeAssistant Kids/Family tracking Hub

Hi everyone,

I’m wondering what you are doing to calm your nerves when your kids finally get their first mobile phone! I’m one of those who think most kids today get their tech waay to early. Too much bad things are out on the internet, especielly amongst schoolkids, social networks, bad content on YT, TikTok, well the list goes on.

But you know… finally you have to give in when they start to feel left out in the school, when veryone else is having their “fun” and not our kids. Yes, I’m a bit overprotective father you might say. but also the kids wont need keys for the house and dont risk loosing them if they have something unlocking when they get home so also good things come with the phones. So with this background I started to integrate my daughters first mobile into home assistant and since she got an android I also added her to Family Link controlling her time, apps and so on. That works very nicely! Now as a nerd I’m of course wondering what you have done about this yourselves? Am I the only one having this approach? Have you any other cool features that would be nice to have?

I feel like this whole “Family-thing” has the potential of getting a way bigger part of HA

I’ve not done much but it gives me the control I need for now with some logging from her cell and a custom:multiple-logbook-card, below just gives me the apps that I want to keep a close eye on with other colors. Youtube, her games and so on. Then the family link-app gives me the summary of each app nicely in a dashboard

I have various cards with info like notifications and could easily get warning for when ringvolume has been turned off when she leaves home for example

Also an earlier project of mine was to make a “point system” for the kids so that they can do their chores and get points so that they can unlock other features in real life, for example use a point to get 1hour internet with the unifi controller integration :slight_smile:

I did discuss this in this thread: Google Family link - #14 by Mattie

The chores page looks like this at the moment

Well, I dont know if I wasted my time but hopefully someone has been thinking the same as me and maybe has other cool ideas. If not I’ve at least shared my thaughts and possibilities about it :slight_smile:

Take care, all papanerds out there!

Other great posts:


Another issue is that other apps such as Google family link do not seem to handle call blocking, search history in browser, YouTube and so on very good, or at all… It would be nice to see some kind of integration where the companion app could handle and deny more things the kids do on their phone. A parental control setting within the app maybe

For example deny calling certain numbers, today the kids just add the numbers to emergency list so that they can call those when the device is locked down.

That looks very good. Would you share the code for the cards? My daughter now has a cell phone too…

wich ones? Here is the logger, the one I probably have the most use of, it relies on the custom:multiple-logbook-card, its available through HACS. Most used for checking when she has called ppl and so on. I also have set up an automation that instantly sends us push notifications when she calls with her phone.

The historic bar card is good but the duration is off since the companion not reports when the app exits correctly making one belive they use apps very long…


type: custom:multiple-logbook-card
title: Senast använt
date_format: HH:mm
history: 1
max_items: 30
  - entity: sensor.alex_mobil_audio_mode
      - normal
      - value: "*"
        icon_color: "#eb34bd"
  - entity: sensor.alex_mobil_last_used_app
      - "off"
      - label: DuoLingo
        value: com.duolingo
        icon: mdi:controller
        icon_color: "#a772e9"
      - label: TokaBoca
        value: com.tocaboca.tocalifeworld
        icon: mdi:controller
        icon_color: red
      - label: Hemskärm
        value: com.sec.android.app.launcher
      - label: Youtube
        value: com.google.android.youtube
        icon: mdi:youtube
        icon_color: red
      - label: Galleri
        value: com.sec.android.gallery3d
      - label: Kamera
        value: com.sec.android.app.camera
      - label: Meddelanden
        value: com.samsung.android.messaging
        icon: mdi:message
        icon_color: "#a772e9"
      - label: Whatsapp
        value: com.whatsapp
        icon: mdi:whatsapp
        icon_color: "#a772e9"
      - com.samsung.android.app.contacts
  entity_name: false
  duration: true
  end_date: false

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant: the custom:multiple-logbook-card.

Thank you very much, I’ll play around with it a bit tomorrow and show you my results.

Stupid question: how do you integrate the cell phone sensors?

Np, looking forward to your results. When you install the home assistant companion app on any phone and log into your home assistant with a created user account the phone gets registered and many sensors regarding the phone get created. Read more about it in the companion app docs :slight_smile:

So even though I set the sensor update to 1 minute, the entity is only updated sporadically. In addition, with apps, such as YouTube, the time unfortunately continues if you don’t quit the program hard and it continues to run in the background.

Do you have any setting ideas or is it just me? :smiley:

Hmm, I haven’t seen the behaviour you’re describing on my android devices. Have you disabled battery optimisation for the ha app? My sensors work fine apart from that they don’t stop the state when the app is hidden. So I don’t really K ow what your issue is. Try roaming on the sim card versus WiFi maybe?

I turned off battery optimization. There is currently no SIM card in my daughter’s cell phone. She only uses it at home on WiFi.
Hmm, I’ll test it further and report back :slight_smile:

Good start :slight_smile: :+1:t3: