HomeAssistant Light after sunset via motion and light always off after time

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HomeAssistant Light after sunset via motion and light always off after time

Version: 0.1

The Automation Process:

  • Switches the light on for a time X when movement is detected. But only when the sun has set far enough.
  • And if the light was switched on by something else, the light is switched off after Y minutes. (No button or similar may be specified).

What is needed

  • An entity from the domain light
  • An entity of the domain binary_sensor and Device_Class Motion

Has been tested with

  • ELTAKO EnOcean FSR14_4x (Light)
  • ELTAKO EnOcean FTS14EM (Input from motion detector)


Motion detected - light on
End of movement - light off

Light on through something
The light was switched on. (By something)
Possibility 1: Light was switched off by something.
Possibility 2: Light is switched off after time X.

The right path is run through if it was not dark enough but the motion detector was triggered.

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