Homeassistant missing energy data until restart

Sometimes my energy dashboard shows no data for a few hours until i restart my homeassistant (Docker container on Synology DS920+).

I get the data via MQTT from a raspberry pi via vzlogger (software:controller:vzlogger [wiki.volkszaehler.org]) and an ESP32 with Homeassistant Glow (https://github.com/klaasnicolaas/home-assistant-glow).

The data is clearly there because i can see it updating on the sensors and i can see them at my Grafana dashboard.

Any idea what causes this?

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no one as an idea?

I don’t have any idea of the solution, but I do have the same problem. I’m running Home Assisant 2022.12.8 on an ODROID X2 with it’s database on a Synology NAS. I use a SlimmeMeter to measure my energy and gas usage. That runs fine for a couple of days and then suddenly my Energy dashboard for the day is empty. When I perform a restart all the missing data is added to the current hour, causing huge spikes in my usage.

Since I also use a SlimmerMeter+ with DSMR Reader I still have the data I need, but it would be nice to have the same information in Home Assisant as well in a way I can trust it.

Hopefully this sparks a brainwave somewhere about what the issue could be.

I recently switched from homeassistant install in docker on my Synology NAS to a Rasperry Pi with an attached SSD.
Since then, i never had this problem again.

I’m experiencing the same issue with the opower / coned integration.
I’m using a virtualized standard install of HA OS.