HomeAssistant // NodeRed // WeatherForecast

Hello All :slight_smile: ,

I have the following issue, when i try to create a wheater forecast in node red:

Call-service error. Validation error: The service call requires responses and must be called with return_response=True

Entity ID: weather.home

It also makes no different if i use “experssion” or “json” and also if i use daily, hourly or so on.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks :slight_smile:

One more thing.

It is working normally when I’m using the Developer Mode in Home Assistant and calling this service:

I have an idea that you have not updated for, oh - a year at least?

I think this meme would say anything:


Thanks for help. Sorry do be that stupid :smiley:

First question to ask yourself when having any problems is ‘what version are you on?’

Home Assistant added returns from service calls over a year ago, and the HASS WebSocket nodes added the matching ask-receive action about September last year.

And in case you were going to ask, you have to actually get the return from the call and put it somewhere, using the output properties.