I just installed hass. I want to change the more info dialog for some domains and for that
I read in the manual that I have to setup the development environment.
But I do not get further at the following point from the instructions:
cd homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer
$ nvm install < .nvmrc
I just do not have a directory that is called “home-assistant-polymer” I have just the compiled version of fronted.html.
This is all to be done inside of a development instance cloned from github, not your configuration directory. When you say “my home assistant directory” do you mean one you’ve cloned from github or the one with your configurations in it?
But for sad - doing it with a git cloned version does either not work.
I tried the following:
I changed the hasutil.html: Added “count” to the DOMAINS_WITH_MORE_INFO array
I copied for testing purpose the an existing more-info-camera.html to more-info-count.html in the more-info folder
I added the link in the more-info-content.html
Then I ran the bootstrap_frontend script
I have expected to get now a new fronted.html which I could copy to my “original” installation.
In an other ssh session I started npm run js_dev
The output is: `> [email protected] js_dev /home/hassdev/home-assistant/homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer
> node script/gen-service-worker.js && npm run watch_ru_all
> [email protected] watch_ru_all /home/hassdev/home-assistant/homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer
> (npm run watch_ru_automation & npm run watch_ru_core & npm run watch_ru_compatibility & npm run watch_ru_demo) && wait
> [email protected] watch_ru_core /home/hassdev/home-assistant/homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer
> rollup --config rollup/core.js --watch --sourcemap inline
> [email protected] watch_ru_automation /home/hassdev/home-assistant/homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer
> rollup --config rollup/automation.js --watch --sourcemap inline
> [email protected] watch_ru_demo /home/hassdev/home-assistant/homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer
> rollup --config rollup/demo.js --watch --sourcemap inline
> [email protected] watch_ru_compatibility /home/hassdev/home-assistant/homeassistant/components/frontend/www_static/home-assistant-polymer
> rollup --config rollup/compatibility.js --watch --sourcemap inline
bundled in 2297ms. Watching for changes...
bundled in 4604ms. Watching for changes...
bundled in 4510ms. Watching for changes...
bundled in 9689ms. Watching for changes...
You have to run from that directory, not your original install directory. You also have to enable development mode
If you didn’t set up a python virtual environment for the frontend work, you’ll have to reinstall home-assistant through pip to fix your path stuff
The build instructions listed at the bottom of the frontend development page are only for building the frontend.html file to be placed into a HomeAssistant release
I installed/cloned everything in the Virtual environment, but missed the developing thing in the configuration.yaml.
At this moment i think my problem is, that i do not know how i could get my changes (see list in my Previous post) in my “normal” hass instance. I thought that i have to Compile a new frontend.html somehow. But i really do not understand how to do that.
Just run from the virtual environment. There’s no reason to do a build and copy the stuff to your pip-installed version. Maybe the docs should be updated to explain how to modify the startup scripts to use the virtual environment.
In the moment I setup the fronted development environment with
Suddenly my home assistant instance is password protected.
I run hass from the command line an then when I go to
a login screen with a required password appears. But what is the password? How could I get rid out of it?
In the configuration.yaml there is no password set - just short before running the frontend-development script everything was fine.