Homeassistant Recorder displaying entities outside of `include` setting

I have the following config in for my recorder settings

  db_url: !secret recorder_db_credentials
  db_retry_wait: 60
  commit_interval: 2
      - sensor.battery*
      - sensor.ac_loads
      - sensor.dc_loads
      - sensor.solar
      - sensor.generator
      - sensor.solar_charger_state
      - sensor.inverter_state
      - sensor.water_tank_sensor_percent
      - sensor.hot_tub_temperature_sensor_2
      - sensor.outside_temperature_rounded   

When I checked my DB I have a ton of entries across all different entities (see screenshot below). The documentation states: Configure which integrations should be included in recordings. If set, all other entities will not be recorded. Includes, no excludes - only include specified entities

So shouldn’t I only be receiving data from those entities?

What am I missing?

I’m no expert on the database schema but you appear to be looking at the events table. That is different from the states table that you have the includes for.

Ah, good point. I wanted to use recorder to pull data for certain entities and store history for years, but I don’t want it to be the primary DB that home assistant is referencing for all its entities and data. Am I understanding recorder wrong? Does replacing it with an external DB tell HA to use that as a primary DB?

I want to capture my solar data long-term on a external source so as not to fill up my primary HA database.

Set up InfluxDB (and Grafana) for long term data: