HomeAssistant refuses to show webhook integration

Having spent the best part of a weekend trying to add Webhook functionality via the front end and then via the configuration.yaml. all without success…

I want to trigger a POST webhook to an existing webhook url as an action of an automation.

Has anybody got this working?

Look at the Rest command. I use those for my 3D printer:

Yeah… can’t get that to with either. Dus it later where the entries are added in the confirmation.yaml?

There is no webhook service (action) only a webhook trigger. As Edwin said you need to use the rest command.

Show us what you tried with that. It should be something like:


    url: "http://<IP address or URL here>/your_webhook_id_here"
    method: post

You need to restart HA after adding this.

And in use in an automation:

  - service: rest_commad.my_webhook

Clear. Hadn’t appreciated homeassistant only supports webhook triggers and not actions

Saying Home Assistant does not support it is not right. Technically speaking you cannot ‘do’ a webhook, so that is why it does not have an action with that name. It is a receiving mechanism, so it is in its nature reactive and not active.

You can do a webrequest (and Home Assistant supports it - is is named a rest_command), which is handled by a webhook on the receiving end. Home Assistant also supports webhooks, so it supports everything you need, it in both directions.

I get what you are saying but something has to post to that receiving mechanism. So there is a “transmit” action as well.

There’s nothing (that I know of) preventing from someone from creating a webhook post service to other devices.

It might be rejected from being added to the core due to duplicate functionality with the rest command, not sure. :man_shrugging: