Homeassistant/restart broken using 29.1

Hello, another fantastic update from hass, so huge thanks for this!

just updated to 29.1 and noticed that homeassistant/restart does not work now from the gui

i get the little notification to say it has been called but hass is definitely not restarting

also nothing in the logs that seems in any way related

i noticed this as well in an earlier release already i have made an issue for it a few days ago

Until it is fixed, here is how to do a restart from the command line:

sudo systemctl restart home-assistant

yeah, thanks - although i actually use a synology docker container so i restart the container from the command line (but usually i have the synology GUI open so can just restart hass from there instead)

ah thanks - i always forget to look at the github pages!

I can’t even restart using the command…ugh.

I just tested trying a restart form the GUI and can confirm @jimbob1001’s findings.

I’ll note it on @joyrider3774’s issue; other should too.