[homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for resources: Integration not found

I’m trying to add a custom_ui card, in this case sgttrs/ lovelace-weather-card-chart however, I’ve created the www directory inside config using Configurator, then created the js file using the same, I then added the resources: in my configuration.yaml. But on a config-check or a restart I get the following error.

[homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for resources: Integration not found.

Anybody able to tell me what I’ve done wrong.

Okay Ifigured the resources tag wants to be in the ui file not the configuration.yaml, however when I thenadd the card in the ui aswell, I get a blank ui?

If you want help you need to post your config

Sorry Yes, my mistake

running on Ubuntu in docker


  • type: module
    url: /local/custom-weather-card-chart.js
  • badges: null
    • type: ‘custom:weather-card-chart’
      title: Weather
      weather: weather.openweathermap

and you have openweathermap setup?

Yep, also tried it with darksky first.

Ahh, just a minute, I haven’t restarted since setting up openweathermap. Just restarted and it worked. Definitely a case of brain not in gear for that one. Sorry.

Doesn’t work with darksky for some reason though.

But where is the ui file? I’m searching on Internet, but no manual states where exactly to put the resources: part…

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