Homeassistant virtual machine

Buongiorno, per entrare nel mondo HA mi è stato consigliato di provare la vostra HAVM (Alternative - Home Assistant).

Ho installato Virtual box su un minipc con processore Intel N3700 1.6Ghz, con RAM 4 Mb e disco SSD.

All’avvio della VM ho il seguente problema

Come mai?


Good morning, to enter the HA world I was advised to try your HAVM (Alternative - Home Assistant). I installed Virtual box on a minipc with an Intel N3700 1.6Ghz processor, with 4 Mb RAM and SSD disk. When starting the VM I have the following problem [HAVM error] Why?

The installation should continue anyway.

Yes, but in the end typing http://homeassistant.local:8123/ doesn’t enter HA.

gives error: Unable to reach the site.

How long did you wait ? It can take up to 20 minutes.

Until the end, where the last two lines written are the two commands to access the VM via web.
HAVM error1

Your VM is misconfigured, you don’t have an IP-address. Should be something like

Maybe show your vm configuration

How can I give you this info?

Host only is wrong, should be bridged :wink:

No, unfortunately it doesn’t start

did you restart and check your screen again?

Once your instance has an IP, you can reach it on http://[ip address]:8123
So in my case.

I assume this is from your host?

You do not have a router with DHCP enabed?
(without it, homeassistant.local will never work)

It is a common practice to create a DHCP reservation for the mac address of your HA instance. In that way, you can leave HA on DHCP, yet it will always get the same IP address :wink:

Ciao, per l’IP dell’istanza ti riferisci all’IP del minipc, che vedo sul router?

O a questi IP?

Help me, please!

Network card is OK