Homeassistant Voice PE Audio out only one speaker

I connected speakers (using a separate amplifier) using the Audio Out port of the Homeassstant Voice PE. Problem is that only one of the two speakers works. Any idea what could be the cause for this? When I connect a Chromcast Audio using the same cable and setup both speakers work fine. I assume this must be a Hardware Issue with the Homeassstant Voice PE. Or is there any configuration that I am missing here?

I think I read somewhere that you need a very narrow 3.5mm plug due to the way the case is built - otherwise the plug doesn’t fully connect for with both channels.

It might be as simple as using a different cable :crossed_fingers:

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Thanks. I’ll give it a try…

Ok. So it really was the cable. Using another one fixed the problem eniterly. Thanks for your help.

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