Homebridge addon help

Been trying to get homebridge working for the last 2 nights with no luck… tried all the hints and tips, tried different settings but nothing. I have at times had homeassistant come up when I add accessory then code but never get a successful connection.
I am running homeassistant (0.57.3) using Hass.io/ docker/ Ubuntu svr 16.04 on a EXSI VM.
Current homebridge setup:

“log_level”: “debug”,
“avahi_interfaces”: “”,
“avahi_hostname”: “”,
“avahi_domainname”: “local”,
“enable_ipv6”: false,
“packages”: ,
“init_commands”: ,

Config.json file

“bridge”: {
“name”: “Home Assistant”,
“username”: “00:0C:29:4B:F2:43”,
“port”: 51826,
“pin”: “609-51-859”
“description”: “Homebridge for Home Assistant”,
“accessories”: ,
“platforms”: [
“platform”: “HomeAssistant”,
“name”: “HomeAssistant”,
“host”: “https://mydomain.duckdns.org”,
“password”: “mypassword”,
“default_visibility”: “visible”,
“supported_types”: [
“logging”: true,
“verify_ssl”: true

Shouldn’t docker show port/s like mosquitto?

I thought the problem was maybe related to the firewall so I tried disabling but it didn’t help. I am worried the problem has something to do with docker/ Ubuntu but I don’t understand enough about docker and how the network/ports work etc.
Strange thing is when I open the home app homebridge sometimes appears as an accessory and sometimes it doesn’t- no consistency. when it does appear and I try to connect it says some trust disclaimer do you want to connect anyway and i enter the pin then I get “could not connect”.

Not sure what else to try… I do remember when I did have homebridge running on a standalone ubuntu vm it was tricky to get going but when I did eventually get it going it was quite robust.

any help appreciated.

i think you are missing the port
“host”: “https://your.duckdns.org:8123”,

There is no need for your DNS. Just use and you are fine

And add “verify_ssl”: false, to your configuration

i did not know that thanks for sharing

have tried using the homeassistant lan address but same result… from what I can tell by looking at the log homebridge is connecting to hass. The problem is the home app doesn’t connect to homebridge have tried many variations with the same result. tried deleting the persist folder, tried different ip address for hass, tried changing the mac, verify_ssl- false.
It’s like the code is wrong or the code doesn’t register… always get “Couldn’t add Home Assistant”. :frowning:

Interesting… I entered the wrong code and the app said code is incorrect. I guess it is talking to homebridge??

This is doing my head in!

I have solved this incase anyone else is experiencing similar problems…

I had 2 problems
first was the config.json file for some reason homebridge didn’t like some of the “supported types”, when I modified the config to the following the app would recognise the bridge and load everything up.

“bridge”: {
“name”: “Home Assistant”,
“username”: “00:0C:29:4B:F2:43”,
“port”: 51826,
“pin”: “609-51-859”
“description”: “Homebridge for Home Assistant”,
“accessories”: ,
“platforms”: [
“platform”: “HomeAssistant”,
“name”: “HomeAssistant”,
“host”: “https://ipaddress:8123”,
“password”: “mypassword”,
“default_visibility”: “visible”,
“supported_types”: [
“logging”: true,
“verify_ssl”: false

but after I got the app to recognise the devices homebridge would crash after a couple of minutes. Atfer some searching and trying a number of things I uninstalled and reinstalled homebridge and the fixed that problem.

So finally I have a working homebridge plugin! :slight_smile:

Thanks to the devs for adding this awesome feature it works very fast too!