Homebridge and a Monoprice Motion Sensor

Hey everyone,

I have seen a similar quetion has been asked before but I’m still stumped after trying and reading everything I can find. I need some help please!

I’m trying to get homebridge to read a motion sensor that I got from monoprice but so far the only thing that works is the temperature sensor.

I have noticed that the binary sensor does not actually work for some reason and homebridge requires a binary sensor for motion. So I either need to figure out how to trick home assistant into making a regular sensor a binary sensor; or figure out if there’s a way to force homebridge to read it as such.

Here’s what I’ve tried:

I tried adding the “sensor alarm type” and “sensor burglar”. Neither of those are 1 or 0. Burglar is either 254 or 0 and alarm type is 7 or 0 (i believe). I found this thread Fixed: How to make a Monoprice ZWave Window/Binary Sensor Work

but after adding the sensors.yaml file I’m still not getting anywhere. I have even tried just adding random things to the customize.yaml file just to see if I can make any change at all but I can’t get it to work. Here are my files:


  friendly_name: Flood Sensor
  device_class: moisture
  homebridge_visibility: true
  homebridge_name: Flood Sensor

   friendly_name: Motion Test
   device_class: motion
   homebridge_visibility: true
   homebridge_name: Motion Test

   friendly_name: Motion Test 2
   device_class: motion
   homebridge_visibility: true
   homebridge_name: Motion Test 2

   friendly_name: Motion Test 3
   device_class: motion
   homebridge_visibility: true
   homebridge_name: Motion Test 3

as you can see I’m just trying things at this point. Also Im’ not sure if it wants the name that has the numbers at the end (old entity ID) or new.


- platform: template
      value_template: '{% if
is_state("sensor.vision_zp3102_pir_motion_sensor_burglar", "8") %{true{% else
%}false{% endif %}'
      friendly_name: 'FD'

- platform: yr


ignored: false
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: false
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: true
polling_intensity: 0
ignored: false
polling_intensity: 1
ignored: false
friendly_name: Motion Sensor
icon: mdi:glassdoor

This one I also tried almost exactly from the other thread. I have also tried adding the alarm type and also the “old entity ID” in there, but no change.

Again, I apologize ifthis has been answered somewhere but I am completely lost at how to make this work.

P.s. the flood sensor works like a dream!
Thank you so much!