Homebridge & Home assistant on same pi. Only 1 of 24 switches showing up?

I’ve added my homebridge via integration however it has 24 switches defined on it which all work fine both in it’s own UI and via alexa/google assistant using homebridge’s integration. Only 1 of the 24 switches shows up in home assistant. It works as it should to toggle a lamp on and off but why only 1 of the 24? They are not hidden/disabled (or at least I didn’t set them to that).

If you are wondering why I’m running homebridge rather than just using homekit…I’s using homebridge’s homebridge-http webhook service to send on/off commands to an android app’s api which ties in to my broadlink rm pro’s (rf/ir transmitter). Ironically I’m all android so don’t even have access to the apple home app. Sorry the layout is so chaotic. I tried the hassio image and it found my roku tv’s and several other things but not working with standalone install. I installed mosquitto and upnp. Not sure what’s missing.

Homebridge does everything just fine but it does not allow for scenes/automation which is why I want both.

No one has any suggestions as to why home assistant only shows 1 of the 24 switches defined within homebridge? Maybe I should give openhab a shot. Maybe it’s to “early days” for people who are not developers for a living. I’ve already had to learn json to add devices.

Give openHAB 3.0 a go in a months time if you have no joy.

Thanks for the reply. I’ve given up on HA and will revisit after Openhab 3.0 is released. Homebridge is working to allow the switchmate and broadlink rm pro switches to work with alexa on a raspberry pi and I’m implementing routines in alexa. This is to work around smartthings removing custom driver support in the immediate future. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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