HOMEd ZigBee, ZigBee ⟷ MQTT bridge

HOMEd ZigBee is an attempt to create a simple and clear alternative to the popular Z2M.
At its core, the application is a bridge between the ZigBee network and the MQTT broker.
The project is open source and distributed under the GPL 3.0 license.
Not demanding on resources, supports architectures

  • aarch64_generic
  • arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4
  • arm_cortex-a9_neon
  • mips_24kc
  • mipsel_24kc
    Supports three types of coordinators:
  • Silicon Labs EFR32MG1/MG2 with EZSP v8/v9 firmware
  • NXP JN5168/5169 with ZiGate firmware
  • Texas Instruments CC2530/2531/2538/2652 with Z-Stack firmware, including legacy versions 1.2.x
    In the latest versions, the recognition function for unsupported devices has been implemented.
    Currently, this feature can automatically add the following types of devices:
  • Smart switches
  • Smart sockets
  • Smart bulbs
  • Motors for curtains
  • Door/window opening sensors
  • Motion sensors
  • Leak sensors
  • Temperature sensors
  • Humidity sensors
  • Light sensors
    Supports Home Assistant MQTT Discovery
    Supports scripts LUA, etc.
    All additional information on the project website
    Project chat in Telegram