HomeDepot Motorized Shades/Blinds

I have seen archived posts on these BLE controllers model: SBMC01. I have a solution for this. It’s pretty simple:

Step 1: Install the Home Decorators App

Step 2: Pair and Calibrate blind(s)

Step 3: Find the MAC Address of your device and the Alias

Step 4: Use a Raspberry PI and spoof/change your BLE MAC Address on the device to match the MAC Address of the phone you used to pair.

Step 5: Install BluetoothCTL (Bluez) on the Pi.

Step 6: Clone the Alias to the phone you used to pair the blinds.

Step 7: Use BluetoothCTL to pair your Pi with the Blinds.

Step 8: You may now use gatttool to send commands.

Commands are:

–char-read -a 0x0047 (Read Time)

–char-write-req --handle=0x0021 --value=02 (Identify Shade)

–char-write-req --handle=0x23 --value=00 (Shade Down)

–char-write-req --handle=0x23 --value=01 (Shade Up)

–char-write-req --handle=0x23 --value=04 (Favorite Position or Stop)

Now that you have this in place you can use Python or the Exec node from NodeRed to control these using MQTT protocol to and from HomeBridge/HomeAssistant.


Could you please link to the older posts. I just ordered this and was looking for an easier way to use them with home assistant.

I also have these shades/controller. Would it be possible to pair the RPi directly with the controller without the use of your phone? Any updated guides on getting these to work with Home Assistant?

Sadly I haven’t gotten this to work. Looking at using ESP and cracking open my remote as an alternative. Will post up a guide with what I’m able to figure out.

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Cool, would love to see this happen.

I got this working and it’s solid, feel like I’m in the future! Ended up hard-wiring in and using a Shelly 1 dry contact relay as the remote was finicky when in deep sleep.

All-in-all, the project was a difficulty of 3/5, a pair of inter-connected shades took me about 1.5hrs, and it came at a fairly low-cost ($30 parts from Amazon).

Full guide coming up, stay tuned!


Would love to connect so I can figure this out. The app on Android completely stopped working at this point. I tried to hardwire a switchbot to the remote but could never get it to work properly.

Can you share instructions with me? I’ve been looking for a solution for a while

Cheap DIY Smart Blinds with Shelly1 and Home Assistant! @Bmoredrummer this should walk you through it – holler if you have any questions


Thank you so much…I am going to try this over the weekend… My issue at the moment is I can’t even manually open and close a couple of mine because they have a back drive fault and the new Android os will not even connect to re calibrate them. I will try to borrow an iPhone to calibrate them…

Check it out…


Hi Aicarmic. Does it necessarily have to be the suggested shades? If I’m able to get to the motor and electronics of the shades which pair or pairs of wire am I targeting. From the motor or circuit board? Thank you.

Nope! Any shade that you can tie into the physical control/button of would work with this approach

Super sweet setup! Glad you were able to get this working for your needs!