HomeKit Bridge can not be set up

Hi, i’ve set up HomeKit Bridge integration in my configuration.yaml file as follows:

#homekit bridge
    - filter:
            #- switch.charging_block
            #- switch.desk_lamp
            #- switch.hue_outlet
            #- switch.left_lamp
            #- switch.living_room_lamp
            #- switch.plug_2
            #- switch.plug_5
            #- switch.outdoor_switch_00961185
            - light.hue_top
            - light.hue_middle
            - light.hue_bottom
            #- media_player.amru
            #- remote.amru
            #- media_player.denon_avr_s740h
            #- media_player.living_room_tv
            #- media_player.samsung_un46d6000
            #- media_player.spotify_person
            # - climate.downstairs_thermostat
            #- climate.model_3_hvac_climate_system
            #- scene.good_morning
            #- scene.good_night
    - name: HASS Bridge 3
    - port: 56337

My goal here is to include ONLY the entities in include_entities. My understanding from the documentation is that if you only use include_entities, it should only include those entities.

However, you may see that I have many of my entities commented out. The reason for that is that when Home Assistant starts up, I get a notification that says:

Invalid config
The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:
Please check your config.

When I check my logs, I see that it appears to be an issue with duplicative entities:

2020-08-25 09:42:30 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [homekit]: contains duplicate items: [‘Home Assistant Bridge’] for dictionary value @ data[‘homekit’]. Got [OrderedDict([(‘filter’, OrderedDict([(‘include_entities’, [‘light.hue_top’, ‘light.hue_middle’, ‘light.hue_bottom’])]))]), OrderedDict([(‘name’, ‘HASS Bridge 3’)]), OrderedDict([(‘port’, 56337)])]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 52). Please check the docs at https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/homekit
2020-08-25 09:42:30 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for homekit: Invalid config.

For the record, line 52 of my YAML is simply "homekit:, the beginning of my homekit configuration. I commented out all of my entities one-by-one until I was down to one, and yet I still get this error.

Can anyone offer any guidance?

I guess it is already solved… however

It seems as you’ve got an error in your syntax. It must be:

#homekit bridge
      #- switch.charging_block

I got the same error just now.
Fixed it by adding the port property:

- name: Default
  port: ...
- name: Camera
  port: 51900
  mode: accessory
     - camera.back
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