Very new here and trying to setup HA - i have it through my NAS / Docker and was able to get Homebridge working, however as my smart switch is actually Homekit compatiable already - i wanted to interagrate this through HA rather then Homekit directly - below is what i tried for 2 days and still doesnt work / add
Add the smart switch (cozylife) to homekit directly > once paired > removed from Homekit > launch HA and i can see the device there as per the SS > try adding it and it just continously says its loading or configuring till the point the switch is out of pairing mode.
am i doing anything wrong? because this is my first homekit device i am trying to add to HA directly.
I don’t have knowledge of your particular device but I have generally found homekit compatible devices to all be pretty painless to pair to home assistant. You seem to have done it right: pair to HK to get it on the network, remove from HK to make it available for pairing. Try rebooting (not reseting) the device and then pairing to HA and see if that works.
i just tried turning the mains off to make it reboot as such and not able to get it past the connecting part so back to square one again… anyone know any solution for this?
so somehow i managed to actually pair this. my question sorry for my ignorance. if i add the device via homekit intergrate > i need to again add this through homebridge?
because i actually got this by adding the device via the cozylife app (not homekit) > from there it showed up on HA > added that via homekit intergrate + pairing code! > but it didnt show up on my homekit > so i added it through Homebridge which works now - but is this normally the case?
If you have it paired to Home Assistant via the Homekit Device integration (which is what I think you did) then to put it into Apple Home use the Home Assistant Homekit Bridge integration.
issue with this is i’ve added into homekit device intergration, but it doesnt show up in homekit at all? - i’ve tried resetting HA to see if it pops up in Homekit but it doesnt etc.
so only when i do the homebridge intergration and select the entities i can add it from there which is weird as.
so normally once i get it paired into Homekit intergration it should pop up straight away in my homekit?
A homekit device can only be paired to one “homekit” thing at a time. If you have it paired to home assistant (which appears to be the case) then you use the homekit bridge integration to export it back to Apple Home. Again, no need for homebridge here.