HomeKit component - Exclude certain Sensors?

Hey, I love the new native HomeKit integration. However, I have some things showing up in the Home app that don’t really belong: For example, I have weather sensors from wunderground. These show up as temperature sensors in my house. I’ like to exclude those sensors, and also exclude Ecobee info from home assistant (since that’s already integrated into HomeKit directly).

I’ve tried adding an “exclude:” thing to my config, but that just seems to kill all Homekit integration.

  pincode: !secret HK_pincode
    - sensor.pws_temp_f

Would like to see this. Guess it’s back to homebridge until it implemented.

I think this is planned for the platform, but as raw as it is currently, it is not possible yet.

This issue is addressed and included in release 66.0: there is a new Filters configuration variable with both Include and Exclude options.

Thanks so much to all the devs and contributors!

I’m working on updating documentation with examples and the way filters are interpreted (includes and excludes).