I’ m trying to setup my Athom light switch in home assistant, the switch works with apple homekit.
In the homekit app it works great, simple setup and fast response times. But I can’t get it to pair to home assistant I get
Incorrect HomeKit code. Please check it and try again.
The code is 123-45-678 the code works fine with homekit, but home assistant does not accept it.
Any solutions?
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Having this exact same issue. reached out to support at Athom, nothing yet…
Daan - were you able to resolve your issue?
Nope, not yet.
Maybe flashing is the only option. But I can’t find anything useful…
I heard back from Athom. They said that HA has a white list and black list for HomeKit codes and that 123-45-678 won’t work. I couldn’t find documentation on that but they sent me updated firmware that uses a different code. The firmware worked and the devices are updated from ver 0.3 to 0.6.
Let me know if you would like the .bin files and new code

Oh thats great, I would like the firmware with the code. Can you post it here or ia that against TOS?
Communication from Athom implies the firmware will only work for CB01-HK.
If you have anything different, recommend reaching out to Athom, timezones aside, they are very responsive and helpful.
Don’t know of a way to post a file here - send me a DM and I can email it to you
Okay thanks, I have multiple SW11-1EU that I want to flash. Witch email did you send it to?
I’ve been waiting for a reaction for a week now, but I got nothing… I send it to [email protected], did you use an other email address?
That address looks right. Odd. They were pretty responsive for me and a few others here