I’m using a binary_sensor to detect if someones rings the doorbell.
In Homeassistant, I can only link the sensor to a fake camera to include it into Homekit.
When someone rings the bell and I press the notification on my phone, the fake camera pops up.
Homebridge e.g. creates a native doorbell sensor, without the need of a fake camera.
How did you add this doorbell? Do you have code snippet from configuration.yaml?
It’s a camera entity with a static image.
In Homekit, you can link a binary_sensor to your camera to act as the doorbell. My camera setup looks like this:
name: <name>
support_audio: false
linked_doorbell_sensor: binary_sensor.bell
- platform: generic
still_image_url: <image url>
name: Doorbell
Now just add binary_sensor.bell
that get triggered when the bell is actually ringing.