HomeKit Group by area rather than domain

I’d like for there to be an option on the HomeKit setup gui to only show items in a defined area rather than having to select the different domains, then wade through the different types of devices to find the specific ones that I want to add to the bridge.

The reason I want to do this, is I prefer to have all my bridges set by room rather than device type. I find it a lot easier to organise that way. It also makes dealing with some of Apple Home’s and Siri’s little quirks a lot more manageable IMO.

Also, on the side of this, it would be awesome if you could edit the name that the device is going to be published to HomeKit as within the gui too. Eg in HASS I may have a device listed as ‘Lounge - Ambient Light’ but I would want to publish that to HomeKit as just Ambient Light. This works around the weirdness Siri has with naming conventions and then having to edit the device in Home app.