Homekit GUI / Wizard re-work to better support accessories / single device workflows

Having recently reset all of my HA homekit bridges / accessories and tried the homekit integration GUI/Wizard again I find it very confusing, sometimes helpful and sometimes very bad.

  1. To add any “SINGLE” accessory to start is VERY unintuitive. The wizard forces you into creating a bridge to start, then you need to NOT select any classes (or it will ADD ALL of the devices) then you need to edit the bridge which DOES provide a more intuitive dialog that lets you set accessory and inclusion mode that lets you easily select ONE device… Why doesn’t the main wizard start this way?
  2. There is no way to inspect or re-map sensors on an accessory in the GUI… If I want to BUILD a doorbell or motion camera in HA using separate sensors or SPECIFIC sensors on a device that has many I have no way to select them (camera from frigate exposes motion, person, car, other sensors).

Long and short I think the integration wizard should be reset… ASK up front if you want to create a bridge or accessory, if you select an accessory the prompts should be single device focused. Or maybe appear as separate integrations Homekit Accessory or Homekit Bridge.

As it stands right now if you walk into the wizard and select the camera domain, as domain is your first prompt it will go and create a camera accessory for EVERY CAMERA ENTITY in HA on submit which is not fun to clean up by clicking.

For those that say Just Use YAML, I just reset my homekit YAML config… It appears that the integration now generates a bridge as soon as the homekit: configuration item is in the config in addition it seems to be implicitly mapping sensors to accessories instead of just following the YAML config. That is a separate issue which I have opened bug tickets for, I would much prefer the GUI matured to help make this easy for everyone.