Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3


have a look at this thread, its all there, @jimz011 is using that card:

Thanks, I still don’t fully understand the approach when using external maps and Ive noticed Jim is quite thorough with his guidance. :+1:t3:

yeah, i also had an external floorplan loaded,
i opened photoshop and looked at the the pixels

so for instance , 200 x 300
my vacuum was for example located at 150 x 150
from there i created the reference, and just looked if the zones defines was actually on the place, and played a bit with moving pixels, untill my zones were correctly over the correct room

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Thanks for the compliment, however it took me a long time to do this. I created a map within paint. I took a screenshot with the Mi Home app and drew over that image. Then send your vacuum to the coordinates as described in the docs (you can do a service-call for that, please read their docs on which commands you should give). Find the robot in Flolevac and look where the robot has stopped. Now go into paint, to the map you made earlier. Look at where the robot is standing on your Flolevac image and estimate that same spot on your own map (mouse over and it will show you the x and y in pixels in the status bar of paint). There you have gotten your first coordinates. Do this with the reference point as well and you should be done.

If you can’t get the service to run do it as follows:

  1. go to services and select the vacuum.send_command service
  2. copy the code from the documentation into the service_data area
  3. press call service
  4. nothing will happen, this is normal
  5. don’t change anything, just click on entity now, and choose your vacuum
  6. press call service again
  7. your robot should now move to the base point or reference point (whichever command you gave)

Note that you might have to rotate the map once or twice to get the right orientation. If you set this up and test it and you find your robot going into the opposite direction you will need to rotate the map 90/180 degrees and try again. Unfortunately the x/y axis of the device is not fixed and you will have to do this with trial and error.

I hope this is thorough enough XD


Homekit Infused Release v. 0.12.2

Hi all, a few small updates today, it might take you a while to do this though, but I challenge you. It took me about half an hour to do most of the changes. This update is probably another puzzling one as many things have been renamed. Why all this renaming you ask? Well when I first started uploading my setup to github I was already pretty far in with HA. I never actually thought of sharing it until people asked me to. I have since uploaded my setup to github and as expected I get a lot of questions. Most questions are actually very legit, but really dumb of myself because if I had chosen logical names it would be much easier and all of these questions would have probably been avoided, but because I was busy creating new stuff instead of beautifying old stuff I never bothered to change it. Slowly I will declutter the mess I made of many names, paths, unused automations etc. The upcoming updates will all have some renames and template changes to make the setup not only easier to use and understand for new users, but also for existing users and obviously myself. I sometimes get lost in the names and this way finding the right file will be a lot easier. In the next few updates I will clean out automations and make them smaller where possible. I will also clean out the secrets.yaml file, which I get too much questions about XD. I will take it step by step as I don’t want to rebuild the entire config in a single go. This way you can shift to the new and more readable way of configuring at a slower pace. I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but hey, what would HA be without a little challenge ey?

Changes Overview 23/08/2019:

v. 0.12.2

  • Renamed most decluttering-templates and files that come with that
  • Renamed all template names in EVERY file in the lovelace folder, please read the update guide for more information
  • Added option for multiple entities in the mini-graph-template
  • Added new feature, entities with energy readings have a new popup window with energy usage (Warning: for Tasmota Energy devices only)

Click here for the changelogs (an overview of the changes, not all changes are mentioned)

Click here for update guides (a detailed changelog and instructions on how to update)


The discord link should be fixed!

Hi, very nice guide! :+1: In my case I have used zoned cleanup (like in docs), then took a screenshot and saved required points, at the end edited out everything unnecessary :slight_smile:

Thanks Jim, appreciate the response. I did manage to get this going last night, not overly difficult but a little tedious. It seems to be quite accurate though which is good. My issue now though, is that I have a loooong home floorplan and it becomes tiny in the card. I’ll setup zones and be done with it though, set and forget!


Video to support update 0.12.2, thank you for your patience


And a special for all of you, the text editor I use for Home Assistant!

Edit: I s*ck at this, but you get the point eh XD


Truly inspirational @jimz011 - your config and design are amazing. Will definitely follow you on YouTube. Thanks for sharing your hard work!

Hi, I stumbled upon this thread about a week ago and have been following since. Most of the recent posts seem to describe how to migrate. Any tips for someone who is starting fresh with this.

when starting fresh, just ignore all the migrations and updates, just download latest version and start changing enities :slight_smile:

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Sorry for my absence the last few days, I have been busy rearranging my servers (which unfortunately always take more time than I had anticipated)

Easiest way to install this:

  • install HA or Hassio
  • install HACS and get ALL the mentioned addons (copy the ones that can not be imported, there are a few)
  • if this works (and only if HACS is setup properly) you can copy the rest and restart (you will have to force a restart as gui restart will not work at this point)
  • I use a lot of secrets you might have to comment out the secrets for lovelace to load properly.
  • After this it should pretty much work, though you will need to change all the entities yourself.

Good luck!

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Homekit Infused Release v. 0.12.3

Hi all, I have been absent lately as I had a lot of server issues which needed to be addressed first. But now I am back and to stop keeping you waiting I will release this version today. It only contains small updates and thus 0.13.x will come either next week or within 2 weeks. Enjoy! In this release I have changed a lot for my personal situation as I have switched to Hass.io AND I have ditched my Tradfri hub for a Conbee2 with deCONZ. This means (for all file comparers out there) that many files have changed though they are only entities. And I am pretty sure you don’t have the same entities so you wont need to change all of that. All changes are mentioned below as usual.

Changes Overview 31/08/2019:

v. 0.12.3

  • Renamed decluttering-template FILES and removed decluttering-templates.yaml (Special thanks to @xMrVizzy for this great tip!)
  • Fixed theme on the second swipe on the vacuum page
  • Fixed weird colors in notifications (this fix will be temporary)
  • Minor bugfixes

Click here for the changelogs (an overview of the changes, not all changes are mentioned)

Click here for update guides (a detailed changelog and instructions on how to update)

For video instructions you can check the video below, keep in mind that this will only cover large changes.


Hello everyone, just a little update as I have been absent a bit last week. Unfortunately I had caught a massive cold. But it is clearing up so I am ready to get back into the game.

And ofcourse I will not leave you guys wondering what is going to come in the next update so here are some previews of 0.13.x.

The frontpage now has a new type of button which shows the lights/devices/sensors/heaters that are currently activated.

And pressing on any of those buttons will just take you to the page it already did! However now if you do a hold_action (or deep_press for iphones) you can see exactly what is ‘on’.

There is an Air Quality card in the weather page now.

There is a beautiful new printer popup card for the printer.

There is a live map available for Xiaomi Vacuums (you will need to root your device for this and install Valetudo, which is btw SUPER easy).

The templates have changed so that dynamic buttons are possible.


And there is much much more in this release. It fixes a lot of things, makes things a lot more compact and easier to read for a human and it packs a lot of new features and it aims to make templates more understandable as well as fixing css on some areas (I still can’t promise css to be perfect in the upcoming release. Anyways there is too much to go into detail right now, but just so you know I haven’t forgotten all of you XD.

I expect this release to be released next week probably mid/end as the documentation for this release will be huge :frowning:. Anyways I am looking forward to share my current production setup and I hope you will enjoy it as well.



Since you now use these counters, I wonder if you’re experiencing any issues in performance. Ive had some of these, still in the form of a monstercard or auto-entities, counting the lights being ‘on’.
It took my HA instance down. Granted I have many lights, ( I filtered the light groups which also are of domain light. ) but keeping up with these takes its heavy toll.

I use Hue and Tradfri lights, and Hue integration suffers from heavy traffic, causing the lights to become unavailable for the HA instance constantly (different/related issue, the community and github is full of issues on this…). This in itself causes the monster and auto entities card to update, causing a vicious circle I am afraid…

Ive also tried this card (I think @iantrich created elsewhere):

        var count = activeCount(entity.attributes.entity_id, 'open', '=') + activeCount(entity.attributes.entity_id, 'on', '=') + activeCount(entity.attributes.entity_id, 'playing', '=') + activeCount(entity.attributes.entity_id, 40, '<') + activeCount(entity.attributes.entity_id, 'problem', '=');
        if (count > 0)
          return "var(--accent-color)";
        return "";
  notification_count_field: &notification_count_field
    notification: >
        function activeCount(entities, active, operator) {
          var count = 0;
          for ( var entity in entities ) {
            if ( states[entities[entity]] ) {
              switch (operator) {
                case ">":
                  count += states[entities[entity]].state > active;
                case "<":
                  count += states[entities[entity]].state < active;
                  count += states[entities[entity]].state === active;

Same implications…
Long story short: has your performance been compromised in any way using these lights counters?

Absolutely no performance drops. Though I use a completely different code than Ian’s code. Mine perhaps look a bit messy compared to his code. But it works and it works well.

this great to hear!
just out of curiosity, how many lights do you have, and do you use Hue lights?
I have quite a few, and only the Hue lights are losing connection , which in itself causes these counters to change constantly…

I do not have hue lights, I only have Ikea and lights that run tasmota. To my knowledge hue lightbulbs should in theory be superior to Ikea lightbulbs. If I may do a suggestion, I bought a ConbeeII from Dresden Elektronik better known as deCONZ. I had all of these disconnection issues with Ikea as well. Since I use this stick as a hub all my problems are gone. It all works perfectly now and the speed of which they react seems a lot better. This is ofc just my personal opinion but for me it has been a great experience.

Anyways do not expect my code to be as complex and sophisticated as @iantrich’s code. I will post the code to my repo very soon.

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