Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

yes indeed, the buttons show
now changing line a line,

I tried calling the service manually, nothing changed. I’m looking at the downloaded files, I see an image folder in www/ but I don’t think I see a wallpaper folder anywhere. Where is it located?

Ah lol, for some reason it did not upload that folder to github. I will add it immediately!

I added the automations and it worked! That and the wallpaper were all I was missing lol. Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:

Homekit Infused Release v. 0.13.1

Changes Overview 30/09/2019:

v. 0.13.1

  • Exactly the same release as 0.13.0 but this has the wallpaper folder included as this was missing in the 0.13.0 release. If you had already downloaded my 0.13.0 release you will only need to add the wallpapers folder into your www/images/ folder. If you have not yet downloaded the 0.13.0 release you can just download this one instead.

  • No other changes listed. For update guide please follow the 0.13.0 update instructions!

That is good to hear, I know this was a bit of a complicated update. All these things have to be setup for it to work properly. But when you do it works great! It is very easy to setup a more personalized style this way, though it will do it for all users though (but I figured that most people use a single theme for the entire family anyways) and this gives me the opportunity to automate things for certain days. Like a red theme on valentines day, a cream white theme on your wedding day or any other color related to a special day for that matter. This way the frontend becomes a bit more dynamic, just like the silver/space gray theme does (as these are configured to change automatically depending on the state of the sun).

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For everyone that has updated to 0.13.1. You have copied a bunch of automations related to themes. (it was 160 lines XD). I am currently updating all my automations for next release, cleaning them up and splitting them so copying them will become easier.

For early adopters though I can share a shortened version of only 32 lines. You can remove everything from line 1061 to 1218 in my automations.yaml file. Obviously you have to figure out where you have copied these lines into your own config.

Here is the code:

- alias: 'themes'
  initial_state: true
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_select.theme_selector
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - platform: sun
      event: sunset
      offset: '+00:00:00'
    - platform: sun
      event: sunrise
      offset: '+00:00:00'
    - service: frontend.set_theme
        name: >
          {% if is_state('input_select.theme_selector', 'Silver') %}
          {% elif is_state('input_select.theme_selector', 'Space Gray') %}
            Space Gray
          {% elif is_state('input_select.theme_selector', 'Sweet Pink') %}
            Sweet Pink
          {% elif is_state('input_select.theme_selector', 'Disable (use theme per user)') %}
          {% elif (is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon')) and (is_state('input_select.theme_selector', 'Auto (default)'))  %}
          {% elif (is_state('sun.sun', 'below_horizon')) and (is_state('input_select.theme_selector', 'Auto (default)'))  %}
            Space Gray
          {% endif %}

Thanks for the help. Don’t know what I did but its working now.

Good work and nice documentation, have you tried the Alarm panel with the themes? I thinks it is difficult to see the pad.

You are right, I actually never use the panel as I either have buttons that do this automatically for me (only shown when alarm is armed) or I use automations (most of the time, if not all the time, the alarm gets armed/disarmed automatically). We basically never ever open that alarm panel :joy::rofl:.

But you are right it is slightly difficult to see. Well at least it had improved a lot as before even the numbers couldn’t be seen at all.

I know you lot are waiting for the video on update 0.13.x and don’t worry it will be online tonight. I always wait a bit so that the early adopters will tell me what difficulties they ran into. I think there are quite a few and I will explain these properly in the video (or read the guide which is already online).

I also wanted to show you people some previews of upcoming updates and what I am currently working on.

First of all, all automations I use have been modified, removed or completely rewritten which saves a bunch of lines. I have also splitted the entire configuration folder up into multiple folders and files. Meaning that if you ever just need a single automation from my setup you can find them easily. (E.g. if you are looking for theme automations, you can find all these in a separate file. And you would only need what is in that specific file).

Another thing I am working on as promised is the addition of more themes. I am still thinking on how to build a wallpaper changer so you don’t have to define them in themes. But for now enjoy 0.13.1.

Screenshot of 0.14.x below:

This theme was built for my wife for our 9th year anniversary. It will only show on that specific day. Please comment.

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I love your job, you do a great job and help everyone. Try adding this kit Midnight Theme. Here is her code:


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Could you add a screenshot so I can see what you want me to create?

Very simply, attach this theme to the set of theme you have In the iPhone view.

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Hm, the theme looks very similar to what I already provide. Any particular reason that I should add this?

Comparing this to the code you shared (I already see that the sidebar isn’t themed for visibility). The only big difference I see at the moment is opacity on the cards in the menu.

0.14.x will have an opacity selector just like the border-radius and box-shadow selector in 0.13.x. This is already in production.

expecting it. On the personal side, I’m still trying to fix the messages. I will try to fixit

Hi @Abeksis

Could please share the specific code to get transparent view’s for the buttons

Thank you!

Simply change the opacity on your cards. If you use my setup this can be either done within the button template or decluttering card.

because we talked about the count notifications earlier, and your logic behind that, I had a look tonight in your repo. Saw you do that in rather an unnecessary complex and verbose way. why not try this to cut a few lines extra:

          {% set lights_on = states.light | 
             selectattr('state','eq','on') | map(attribute='name') | list | count %}

of course change the domain to your liking and needs on all the other domains you might want.

If, like me, you need to narrow the domain down a bit, (lights can be groups too) you can use it like:

          {% set lights_on = states.light |
             selectattr('state','eq','on') | map(attribute='name') | list |count %}

leave out the |count, and you have a nice list of lights :wink:

Ah ok, well the groups didn’t came up to me. The reason I did it this way was because I want to exclude a lot of entities (over 20 entities that are lights but either grouped or browser mod entities etc).

I never thought of counting groups which makes it a lot easier indeed. Well thank you for that.

Though, you said it slowed your setup down massively, I wonder if my method slows yours down as well. As for me I don’t take any performance hits having this in my configuration.

Anyways thanks for sharing the code. I am actually in the progress of learning to template better. My automations was one of those areas I did some real work (not on the repo yet) but it makes many automations (which I sometimes have 6 of) a single automation.