Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

As far as I know this seems to be a decluttering-card problem. Which (unfortunately) my entire config is built on. I believe there are already issues opened on their github repo. But I know the dev of that card is busy lately. I don’t have anything from google so I can’t test it for you either. If I know more I will reply to you here.

Follow it here.

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I also have a single button for my cover… So a single press is toggle action… I create a conditional button here…so if open, it closes, if closed, it opens… And a long press to give the stop command

Thanks a lot! That helps :slight_smile:

You did the most awesome design with lovelace! I really admire your work!
I wanted to insert those buttons on my setup, but after one entire Day I’m very tired and confused… So please give me an advice!

What I did:

  • I copied your button.yaml file
  • I install decluttering card
  • In resources I added The code
  • in ui-lovelace.yaml I pointed The way for templates
   - type: horizontal-stack
       - !include ../includes/blank-card.yaml 
       - type: custom:decluttering-card
         template: button
          - entity: light.caini
          - name: Caini
          - icon: mdi:dog-side
          - grid:
             !include ../includes/light-devices-grid.yaml
          - label: !include ../includes/brightness-label.yaml
       - !include ../includes/blank-card.yaml 

But after all of this it doesn’t show anything.

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Ok first question, do you have the includes, which your config is referencing to? If not please comment out those lines or remove them for the time being. Also I have found an error which has to do with the post below:

WARNING! :warning:

Button-card version 3.0 is incompatible with HKI 13.2 and below. You will need to use version 2.0.5!!! A fix will come soon!

WARNING! :warning:

Thanks for your quick reply.
Yes, I have includes:

  !include_dir_named lovelace/templates 
- url: /community_plugin/decluttering-card/decluttering-card.js
  type: module

Now I saw that warning! I have the 3.0 version.

LE : I downgraded to 2.05 but the same thing! It doesn’t return any error and also it isn’t showing nothing!

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downgrade to the previous one and it works for me

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Sometimes (and as well in my own case) HACS doesn’t really downgrade it. What you should do is go to the repo of button-card, download the 2.0.5 release and overwrite your current button-card with that version. In my case downgrading with HACS does nothing, uninstalling it and installing it again with HACS would install the newest version for me regardless.

Please download the file manually, and try again.

Edit: if that doesn’t work either, just go to 2.0.4 and upgrade to 2.0.5 from that version.

Homekit Infused Release v. 0.13.3

This release only contains a hotfix for the latest version of button-card (v.3.0.0) which broke the card on this configuration.

v. 0.13.3

  • Fixed button template for use with button-card v 3.0.0
  • Changed version number in /lovelace/views/about.yaml to 0.13.3
  • No other changes

Update guide:
If you use my templates you will only need to overwrite the old template with my new template. The only 2 files in this release that have changed can be copied over your old ones.

  • /lovelace/templates/button.yaml
  • /lovelace/views/about.yaml
    The above two files are already in your config, please use the ones from 0.13.3 instead!

If you have completed these steps your button-card should be working again. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this was out of my hands.

Edit: For the ones wondering why I am silent on releasing new videos, that is because I am waiting on the means to get myself a better computer as this one is old, extremely slow for video editing (it works fine for gaming as which it was intended to do when I bought this in 2014) and it really is needed to upgrade badly (even for simple Home Assistant work this is important).

Expect me working a lot more on videos and home assistant in the next few months, but first I will have to wait for the computer which I hope I can get within a few weeks.

Im am totally lost and I think I will lose my mind with these! I don't realize where Im wrong!

HACS - updated
button-card plugin - updated to 3.0
button.yaml - updated few minutes ago and located in /config/lovelace/templates/button.yaml
includes are in resources.yaml

- url: /community_plugin/decluttering-card/decluttering-card.js
  type: module
- url: /community_plugin/button-card/button-card.js
  type: module

include to templates is in ui-lovelace.yaml

  !include_dir_named lovelace/templates 

And the code is with no error

   - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: button
        - entity: light.baie
        - name: One
        - icon: mdi:sofa
        - color: auto
        - size: 30%      

And after all of this,

And after this NO ERROR and nothing is showing!

please make sure you clear cache after updating!

Thank you dear Abeksis! But after dozen of refresh and restarts nothing is showing!

Try uploading the log file. Maybe there’s something there.

Ok, I have a question, do you use my entire setup, or did you only copy the decluttering templates?

If it is the last one, note that some elements only work if you have a few input_selects and automations. If you don’t use those please change the following lines in button template and quick-access-menu template.

Change border-radius and box-shadow in these files.

border-radius: var(--border-radius)
box-shadow: none

If you don’t have the input_selects and automations the buttons will not render as it is expecting an input from an input_select.

I hope this helps, if it doesn’t please share your code and I will look into it!

Edit: srry for the complexity of the setup :joy::rofl:

Jim, you saved me!
Yes, I only copied the button template and nothing else! That was my need :rofl:
After I made those modification it return me the buttons, but in another style :see_no_evil:
I must to copy all your setup or maybe others files for the buttons look like yours?

@jimz011 Hoping you can help me out with this… The new custom button card 3.0 promises to include any card inside it. So I would love to integrate a slider inside a button. Something like this:
(As you can see I’ve been messing with it :slight_smile: )

I’ve been experimenting, but the slider simply won’t show up inside the card. This is the button YAML I’m trying:

      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: button
          - entity: light.keukentafel_auto
          - name: Keukentafel
          - icon: lightbulb
          - aspect_ratio: 3/1
          - size: 33%
          - grid:
              # !include ../includes/light-devices-grid.yaml
            - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s" "slider_brightness"'
            - grid-template-columns: 1fr
            - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content 1fr
              type: 'custom:slider-entity-row'
              entity: input_number.brightness
              full_row: true
              toggle: false
              hide_state: false
              style: >
                ha-card {
                  box-shadow: none;

Do you perhaps have any idea how to proceed? Many thanks in advance!

To be transparent, I have not copied your setup fully, but I did use it for inspiration. So I am using your button template from a few versions back (0.12.x).

No problem, actually I haven’t played with these new configurations yet as I am working on rewriting a lot of stuff for the upcoming update. However I can take a look for you whenever I have the time.

As a sidenote, this is a thing I am going to implement in the upcoming days/week and thus I will adjust the template for it appropriately. I will take a look for you before that. Unfortunately I do not have much time at the moment.

I will get back to you!

For the people out there that can’t wait for the upcoming update, here is a preview screenshot. Note that this is likely bound to change a lot before release!


Hey Jym,
can you tell me how did you removed the bottom from the app?