Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

are you using custom: swipe-card with cube effect?

No, that page is just layout-card, Lovelace gen, and custom button card, and I guess with the header included hui-vertical-stack-in-card, and browser mod, but all my pages have the header and donā€™t all exhibit that behaviorā€¦ itā€™s weird because it will also sometimes ā€œflicker-awayā€ for a bit then pop back up, I actually wrote a post to ask Jim about it a few days ago, but it suddenly stopped so I didnā€™t ask.

Hi thereā€¦just installed this theme ā€¦Iā€™m impressed of the work but anyway I have a basic problem ā€¦no single entity shows up like climate lights etc ā€¦ Where do ihave to start now to get lights in the room ?

Hello @thundergreen, you should fill in the rooms_and_groups.yaml file.

Each room currently has 4 groups and you should put your devices in the corresponding groups. Put rgb lights in the rgb group of that room, color temp in color temp, standard lights in the default group and switches into the room_x_all_devices group.

Unfortunately this is the only thing you must setup in YAML. All other stuff can be entered within the UI. Also make sure youā€™ve passed the onboarding process. If you havenā€™t then you must trigger the onboarding process yourself by calling an automation.trigger service. But I guess you did pass the onboarding process.

Just make sure you fill in that file and your views will be autofilled with whatever you have put inside there. I am currently thinking of revising the way those groups work and in the future I want people to be able to give in their entities at the onboarding process as well. However this is currently not possible.

If you want faster support please ask on Slack (as you are already on there!)

Dear @jimz011

Any update when you planning upload the video guide.
How to install on clean hassio installation?


Hi @yoni3210 unfortunately I have some family matters I have to attend to. I also have a lot of fixes to do before releasing 2.0.0 to the public. But because of the first reason I had to postpone it for a bit. Though I urge you to join our discord server as it is really easy to install HKI 2.0.0 (beta7) and anyone there can easily help you out. Trust me when I tell you that 2.0.0 is MUCH easier to install than 1.1!

Please check out the link in the followup post.

@everyone that is following this thread and/or used to contact me on Slack please note that we have moved over to Discord. You can join us there (even if you donā€™t follow this thread).

Why not use the official home assistant discord? :thinking:

Well there are several reasons for that. First and foremost, I canā€™t have my own support channel on the official discord servers. Second, we already have/had lively community on Slack and most of them prefer our ā€œsmallerā€ size community. Third, some people find the official HA discord too cluttered and they might find the urge to take the step to the official HA discord a bit huge. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people on the HA discord and it can be daunting for a new user to get into such a crowded and technical discord.

Like I said, we were on slack before and with a small community comes some perks. We know most people, and most people will know each other which makes it more fun and manageable for most users. Though I personally am on the HA discord server as well, as well as the one from Frenck.

WARNING: People using HKI 2.0.0beta or v1.1 and below. DO NOT UPDATE to 0.107.x. It will NOT work! It will be fixed as soon as Custom Header releases an update to work with 0.107.x. Currently this is out of my hands and all we can do is hope that heā€™ll releases a fix soon! Sorry for the inconvenience.

I can assist in discord with reinstalling home assistant and assist where possible with HKI :slight_smile:


Good explanation, thanks

Anyone that uses HKI seen this? Iā€™m still on v1ā€¦ It seems to have started with an update to swipe-card for 107 (few days ago) but was intermittent and is now suddenly all the timeā€¦ wasnā€™t sure if I should ask in the swipe-card post thinking maybe it was related to @jimz011 advice not to upgrade yet until custom header updateā€¦ but I didnā€™t think that applied to the older version of HKiā€¦ maybe it didā€¦

This is because the original code I use had an effect (coverflow) on it. You can remove the effect in the frontpage header (lovelace/templates/frontpage_header.yaml). Just remove all the lines that says: effect: ā€˜coverflowā€™.

If you use my betaā€™s then wait for beta8!

1 Like

Thank you!

@jimz011 , yes i know, i am still using your old setup, i have a question about, i have lots of scripts error in my logs, i cleared them with the logger, since no impact on functionality ā€¦
but i want to remove those now

whenever i do a refresh of a page or a ctrl f5 , i have my logbook filled of errors like below:

2020-03-31 14:41:19 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003181] :0:0 Script error.
2020-03-31 14:41:19 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003181] :0:0 Script error.
2020-03-31 14:41:19 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003181] :0:0 Script error.
2020-03-31 14:41:19 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003181] :0:0 Script error.
2020-03-31 18:06:02 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003181] https://xx.ui.nabu.casa/frontend_latest/chunk.ea4a842548b68b236f48.js:795:320 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replaceChild' of null
2020-03-31 18:06:02 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003181] https://xx.ui.nabu.casa/frontend_latest/chunk.ea4a842548b68b236f48.js:795:320 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replaceChild' of null
2020-03-31 18:06:02 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003181] https://xx.ui.nabu.casa/frontend_latest/chunk.ea4a842548b68b236f48.js:795:320 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replaceChild' of null

so i started with a simple view, where i only had 1 error in logbook, i narrowed it down to the notification-card, if i remove the horizontal type , so the only cards left are the black card + markdown
then the error is goneā€¦ so its related to horizontal stack?? but whats wrong with it?

############ card:

      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: notification-card
          - color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
          - icon: robot-vacuum
          - content: "{{ states.vacuum.roborock.state }}"

########" template card

  # Icon
  - icon: home
  # Content
  - content: default text

  type: horizontal-stack
    - !include ../includes/blank-card.yaml
    - type: markdown
      style: |
        ha-card {
          background: [[color]];
          border-radius: var(--border-radius);
          font-size: 13px;
          font-family: Helvetica;
          color: white;
      content: >
        <ha-icon icon="mdi:[[icon]]"></ha-icon> [[content]]
    - !include ../includes/blank-card.yaml

and i use that old notification-card still a lot it seems, thats why i have like 30 error lines when i do a refresh of a page :slight_smile:
seems its the only tempate card with a horizontal stack

I have had the same problem (it seems to be gone now, but I am not entirely sure). What I did is remove all the markdown cards in favor of a button card. For some reason (I donā€™t know why) for me markdown card takes quite some time to load and never really works nicely.

Since I use button-card it seems to be much faster and it doesnā€™t throw me those errors a lot anymore. (I am still not sure as to why though, I also moved around a lot of horizontal-stacks in my templates (removed them and moved them to the actual view) which might also impact it somehow like your own findings show.

This is the code I use to replicate the markdown card with a button card (it does look slightly different though!

      - type: custom:button-card
        layout: name_state
        name: "{{ name }}"
        show_icon: false
        show_state: false
            - height: 33px
            - --paper-card-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0)
            - box-shadow: none
            - justify-self: start
            - font-size: 12px
            - margin-left: 5px
            - font-family: Helvetica
            - font-weight: bolder
            - color: var(--category-text)

ah, so its related to markdown ? or a combination with markdown and horizontal?

Not entirely sure, but the problem seems to be gone now (at least I only have it very rarely lately). I canā€™t give you the code Iā€™d use for a button-card notification as I have completely different notifications now (as you might have seen in the 1.1 screenshots). So I canā€™t help you with that. But I can however help you if you canā€™t seem to create it yourself.

You can also join us on discord (as you might have missed that we have moved from slack to discord!). You can find the link in the first post.