Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3


Im trying to change the vacuum, because the zone_ids doesnt work i think if you dont have rooted it.

I need to send a command like this

service: vacuum.send_command
  command: app_zoned_clean
    - - 20450
      - 29040
      - 24407
      - 31837
      - 1
  entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s5

I tried editing "…/…/…/hki-base/templates/vacuum/zoned-preset-button.yaml

But seems no matter what i do, it doesnt work

Was an easy fix, just use

      - type: horizontal-stack
          - !include
            - '../../../hki-base/templates/vacuum/zoned-preset-button.yaml'
            - name: Kjøkken
              icon: mdi:fridge
              entity: vacuum.roborock_s5
              params: [[24291,29401,29292,31721,1]]

and this in zoned-preset-button.yaml

  action: call-service
  service: vacuum.send_command
    entity_id: {{ entity|default('vacuum.roborock_s5') }}
    command: app_zoned_clean
    params: {{params}}

Hi @jimz011.
Greatly appreciate your work.
Now I have finally made myself a frontend that I think is eye-catching to look at.

Like the idea of ​​an overview of the care of your four-legged Tala. Could you please share sensor tamplates for “animals_tala *”? Not quite sure how I make a sensor that counts days, months etc.
Thanks in advance

Its actually a card that I didnt look into anymore since the dev had updated it. But if you are interested in making it into a custom view, the card that was used is called Check Button Card. It was relatively easy to setup and uses mqtt to count the days. Entities would be created by the card itself, though not sure how it works nowadays.

Hi again, trying to get my Sonos group/play control to work with mini-media-player. Tried to convert the working lovelace version to HKI, but it doesn’t give me the grouping features etc. Could somebody have a look and let me know what I’m missing? I tried adding the TYPE to all entities as well just to make sure, but it doesn’t give any grouping options…

    icon: mdi:speaker
    show_in_favorites: true
    subtitle: Media
      - title: Test
        - entity: media_player.sonos_spisestue
          type: mini-media-player
          group: true
          source: icon
          info: short
            volume: true
            power: true
            platform: sonos
            show_group_count: true
              - entity_id: media_player.sonos_peisestue
                name: Sonos Peisestue
                type: mini-media-player
              - entity_id: media_player.sonos_spisestue
                name: Sonos Spisestue
                type: mini-media-player

Unfortunately, all the options given in the addons documentation is really all it can do. Even though the official docs state otherwise. You can however always create a custom view by adding the following in your view_config:

    icon: mdi:speaker
    show_in_favorites: true
    subtitle: Media
      position: bottom

and then create a folder named media in /hki-user/views/, you can then add custom code to that folder like you would any other card in YAML. Just create a file (name does not matter) inside of that folder that you have created e.g. /hki-user/views/media/sonos-card.yaml and then enter the code inside that file (with a leading hyphen)

# correct way (note the leading hyphen)
- type: markdown
  content: The correct way

# incorrect way (not there is no leading hyphen)
type: markdown
content: The incorrect way

You can have multiple cards in a single file, or have each card live in a separate file, it is up to you, it will figure it out automatically.

However there is a sidenote, mixing custom views with HKI addons will definitely work, but it might look bad on desktops/tablets. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this without redesigning a lot of the current code (which will definitely break anyones config). And since HKI has been running steadily for pretty much its entire 4th iteration I’d prefer to keep it this way for now (since I don’t have much time to rework it at the moment).

It will look absolutely fine on mobile devices though since they only show cards vertically. My suggestion would be to either play around with it and see what fits your needs best. You can make addons with custom cards work, but I will recommend you to go one way or the other on a given view since that will look best. You can also make great use of it when running it with the view_selector addon which will make the use of addons and custom_cards at the same time a bit better.

Thank you so much for your detailed write-up. The mini-media-player works brilliantly in every other way, just missing that speaker group option to control the groups. This is not something easily added as I understand it? It’s natively supported by the mini-media-player card.

I will give your workaround a go to see if it looks ok. I will potentially open some more options with the layouts, buttons etc, and might be the easiest. Thanks!

For everybody who wonders, @jimz011 has a good workaround to this above. I integrated it as he listed, and it looks good also on mobile :slight_smile:

Hey, back with another question. I would like to have a picture-elements style card on my frontpage that shows my car and some details from it. However I can’t see that I can get picture-elements on there in any way? I see from 3.x.x there is a legacy add-on that is called car-card and is probably used similarly to the application-card. Is that my best option? Would be good to see the quick status of the car on the homepage, but I can live with using a view for it.

Yes that would be your best option, you will need to enable custom cards on the Home view though (similar to the story above)

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Thanks - so it gives me the details in a view, but not the card directly on the home screen, correct?

No you will have it on the Home screen, since the Home screen is also a view. In your view config, it is the first entry (view).

You can add addons and or custom cards there just like on any other view.

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Aaah, then I understand. Will look into it later - thanks! :slight_smile:


hi jimz011
nice dashboard great work,
i have a question about cover’s
is it possible to add them to my dashboard?


Yes, though you will need to add custom cards to your views (check out the HKI documentation and click on custom views)

hi jimz, thanks for your reply.
I’ve already tried these templates and I’m starting to get to know them a bit :slight_smile: but which template should I use to get a layout like with the lights?



By reading the doc and taking example on the lights, I made a copy/paste by adapting my need (3 shutters)

1/ in /config/hki-user/config/general_config.yaml (last three lines):

# Header ################################################################################################################################
    show_sensors: true 
    sensors: # You can remove the sensors you don't want to show, you can have as many as you want. Note: Leaving group_entity empty will disable it's popup but still show the number.
      - icon: mdi:motion-sensor
        entity: sensor.current_binary_sensors_on
        group_entity: group.all_binary_sensor_entities
      - icon: mdi:door
        entity: sensor.current_doors_open
        group_entity: group.all_door_sensor_entities
#      - icon: mdi:window-closed
#        entity: sensor.current_windows_open
#        group_entity: group.all_window_sensor_entities
      - icon: mdi:window-shutter-open
        entity: sensor.current_covers_open
        group_entity: group.all_cover_entities

2/ /config/hki-user/device_counters.yaml:

# All Covers
    - cover.vr_amis 
    - cover.vr_cellier
    - cover.vr_parents

3/ in /config/hki-user/config/view_config.yaml:

# Roller Shutters
    subtitle: "[[[ if (states['sensor.current_covers_open'].state == 0) return `All shutters are closed`; if (states['sensor.current_covers_open'].state == 1) return `1 shutter is open`; else return `${states['sensor.current_covers_open'].state} shutters are open`; ]]]"
      buttons: 3
    icon: mdi:window-shutter
    show_in_favorites: true
    button_badge: sensor.current_covers_open
    button_label: "[[[ if (states['sensor.current_covers_open'].state == 0) return `Closed`; else return `Open`; ]]]"
    show_in_menu: true
      - entities:
          - cover.vr_amis
          - cover.vr_cellier
          - cover.vr_parents

I don’t normally use the pc, it looks better on smartphone, but to illustrate:

Can you share those 2 pics? :slight_smile:

I just used and cut this pic: Deadpool / Harley Quinn

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thx this works for me :smiley:
do u know if its possible to add a custom pop-up to it?:smiley:

and i want to add to my frontpage a button with a navigation path to my energy monitor, but when i add navigation_path: / energie this not work :frowning: