Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

Well first of all thanks for the donation, I really appreciate it.

Second, you should rest assured that I wont make big changes to HKI 5 currently, so take all the time you need.

Third, to use a travel time sensor you need to create one first via the HA integrations (e.g. waze travel or google maps travel time)

Lastly, HKI 5 loads everything at start, this means large setups have a slow startup, though a super fast frontend once it has loaded. I also posted videos if that helps?

I solved it

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Try this:

# Home
    title: greeting
    show_in_navbar: true
    show_in_menu: false
    icon: mdi:home
        card_margin: 4px 8px 8px
        margin: 0px 8px
        - title: ć€©æ°”
          type: simple_weather
          entity: weather.kyra_home
          number_of_forecasts: 5      
        - title: hide
          aspect_ratio: 125%
          url: https://embed.windy.com/embed2.html?lat=31.2094&lon=121.4544&detailLat=31.3503&detailLon=121.4999&width=650&height=750&zoom=10&level=surface&overlay=wind&product=ecmwf&marker=&calendar=now&pressure=true&type=map&location=coordinates&metricWind=km%2Fh&metricTemp=%C2%B0C&radarRange=-1%22%20frameborder=%220%22       

        - title: hide
          columns: 2
            - image: /local/images/person_image/kyrie.png
                !include ../elements/frontpage-photo-jimmy.yaml
            - image: /local/images/person_image/kyra.png
                !include ../elements/frontpage-photo-stephanie.yaml
        - title: hide
          square: false
            - image: /local/images/person_image/wedding.png
                !include ../elements/frontpage-photo-tala.yaml  

Take a note of how all the addons start (namely with title), you don’t have to define the title to hide it, however it can make recognizing code and different stacks a bit easier.

Got it, thanks!

Seems doesn’t work. I want to use weather-card, not simple_weather card.

Ah ok, my apologies. Use core as type.

Emmm, seems still have some problem. I want to use weather-card(look the picture) . Now it is weather-forecast(the normal one)

        - type: core
          entity: weather.kyra_home
          name: 䞊攷
          number_of_forecasts: '5'
          hourly_forecast: true
          forecast: true
          details: true
          current: true

Sorry,sorry, another question. I try to use mushroom light , but something wrong
Could help check this?

I know I’m a little annoying. But i love infused5 , I want create a wonderful dashboard

Sorry again, and have a nice weekend~

        - type: core
          entity: light.yeelight_lamp1_878f_light
          show_brightness_control: true
          show_color_temp_control: true
          use_light_color: true

HKI doesnt work that way, you are trying to use non existent addons.

If you want to use your own cards that are not HKI addons, please use the custom addons instead.

        - title: hide
            - type: custom:weather-card
              # config here

Yes!!! I got it! Thank you so much!!!

Is there anyway to change the swipe navigation animation between pages?

Could you be more specific? What swipe animations? HKI only uses swiper for notifications.

Oh. I was referring to swiping between views. I thought there might be a way to use swipe-nav to change the animation effect.

Well it uses the default HA way to switch between views. However you can install swipe navigation, it might give you what you need.

I did attempt this and added the config before “views:” and that did not work. Am I putting it in the wrong place?

You should put it in /hki-base/homekit-infused.yaml, I just tested it and it works for me.

You are amazing! Thanks! I’m going to try right now!

After changing from v4 to v5 I can’t get the addons to show up on the main screen

I have show_in_favorites set to true

    title: Lights
    subtitle: "[[[ if (states['sensor.current_lights_on'].state == 0) return `All lights are turned off`; if (states['sensor.current_lights_on'].state == 1) return `1 light is turned on`; else return `${states['sensor.current_lights_on'].state} lights are turned on`; ]]]"
    icon: mdi:floor-lamp
    show_in_favorites: true
    button_badge: sensor.current_lights_on

they only show up here
Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 08.51.03

but no on the main screen
Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 08.51.11

The only line changed here compared to v4 is the addons line. The config otherwise has unchanged from v4.

The reason for this is so that the order of addons decides the order of card placements. This is a feature that wasnt possible in HKI 4, where the placement of cards was predefined by me regardless of how you typed it.

Hi @jimz011 (and anyone else that may come across this) - just wanted to point out an issue that may catch amateurs like me off guard. I had previously been playing around with the minimalist UI “theme” before getting started with HKI. After installing HKI, I noticed none of the pop up functionality was working. I found the button card version FAQ and followed the directions to copy your fix files over to button-card. No matter what I tried, the browser kept loading 3.4.1 and thus, no pop up function in HKI.

Then I realized that Min UI auto loads/installs some components and figured a dated version of button-card was one of them, overriding any fixes I applied. Voila!..uninstalled Min UI and updated to latest button-card version (1.5 dev) and pop ups work like a charm!

Also, thank you for all your efforts on this toolset! It really helps folks out like me who are pretty new to all of this but enjoy learning about it and taking HA to the next level! Cheers!

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