Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

Thanks for the reply sir. Looking forward to the update.

Homekit Infused 5 (2022.5.0)

*September Update Fixes


  • Updated code to be compatible with Browser Mod 2.0
  • Fixed a bug where you could not set a custom tap/hold/double_tap action on a notification (shown in the header)
  • Removed the close button orientation
  • Removed a few profile menu items, lovelace refresh is no longer possible from the profile menu (you can still use the footer clock to do a refresh)
  • Popups now show in fullscreen (even on the desktop), this is because it will look bad on a phone otherwise (I’ll try to work around it, but for now this should do fine).
  • The profile menu is the only one that will not show in full screen, since the menu is pretty long by default it will look good on a phone, but will be much wider on a desktop, making the profile menu more suitable for desktop use without filling the entire screen. Let me know if you would prefer it to be fullscreen as well.
  • Removed some obsolete files/code
  • Small bugfixes
  • No other changes other than this, sorry! I currently don’t have time to work on new features, but as always I’ll try to fix breaking changes asap, this was one of them!

If you have created popups with the use of Browser-Mod, note that this HACS addon has completely been rewritten. You will need to check the browser_mod documentation to fix them for your own cards. If you only use the popups provided by HKI then nothing will really break, just make sure you update both HKI and Browser-Mod and make SURE you clear cache, this is IMPORTANT!

How to update?
Always make a backup of your setup before updating to a new version! You have been warned!

Download the release and copy/replace the following folders:
- /hki-base/
- /packages/

Restart Home Assistant and done! Enjoy!

Looking for example code? Check out my personal repo so you can take examples from it, click here

Thanks for the update sir, really appreciate your work

Tried and followed the instructions for the update but still the popups don’t work, i only use popups provided by HKI.

Remove browser mod first, make sure it is removed entirely.
Next restart HA, reinstall browser mod.
Clear cache.


Thanks for your help it works now

Homekit Infused 5 (2022.5.1)

*September Hotfixes


  • Fixed a bug where layout would be messed up after updating to HKI 2022.5.0 and Browser-Mod 2.1.x (Actually Thomas Loven just released an update for his browser-mod addon as I was typing this changelog, it also fixes this issue however I’d still update both as HKI 2022.5.0 added a lot of unnecessary code).
  • Popups can now be changed from the default fullscreen to normal or wide. These changes can only be made globally and will be set for all popups at once. You can find how to do that here. (Note that any other setting than fullscreen might look bad on a mobile phone!)
  • You can now set a border radius for popups, note that this won’t work for fullscreen popups. These changes can only be made globally and will be set for all popups at once. You can find how to do that here
  • Scene buttons should now function properly, you no longer need to add a custom tap_action to them, you can still use a custom tap_action as before, but it will now default to the proper setting (scenes can only be turned on/activated, there is no turn_off command, prior to this version HKI would try to turn a scene off resulting in an error).
  • Some unimportant bugfixes

How to update?
Always make a backup of your setup before updating to a new version! You have been warned!

Download the release and copy/replace the following folders:
- /hki-base/
- /packages/

Restart Home Assistant and done! Enjoy!

Looking for example code? Check out my personal repo so you can take examples from it, click here

For anyone having troubles updating to the latest browser-mod and HKI check the following steps:

  1. Update HKI to the 2022.5.1
  2. Update browser-mod to the latest version available at this very moment
  3. Restart HA
  4. Check Devices & Integrations and see if browser-mod is listed and loaded
  5. Press F12 go to console and check if the browser-mod version matches the one you have downloaded
  6. If answer to 4 is no, then uninstall browser mod entirely and remove it from integrations. Reinstall it afterwards and restart HA, don’t forget to add it back to integrations after the restart.
  7. If answer to 5 is no, then clear your browsers cache!

Hello JimZ011
I have just installed HKI5 and I have this issue.

any suggestions?

Read the post above about browser mod

I wasn’t able to get it to work through HACS but I was able to get it to work through HA Integrations.

  1. Install browser mod
  2. Thoroughly clear your browser cache
  3. Go to the Browser Mod panel in your sidebar
  4. Make sure the “Register” toggle is checked.
    5.This is required in order to enable backend services to target this browser.*
  5. Refresh the page (F5)
  6. Go to Developer Tools → Services [![Open your Home Assistant instance and show your service developer tools.
  7. Select service “Browser Mod: popup (browser_mod.popup)”
  8. Check the “Title” checkbar and write something as a title
  9. Enter some text in the “Content” text box
    Not yaml or anything, just any text for now.
  10. Click “CALL SERVICE”
    The button is likely grayed out. That’s a Home Assistant visual bug. Click it anyway.
  11. A popup dialog should now open on all your Registered Browsers.


Hey, just started using this and I love the look of it :heart_eyes:. however I’m having trouble with two things.
I have no idea how to turn notifications off/remove. In the config file it says that you can’t simply remove the text and that their is a setting for it but I couldn’t find it.

Also I have a door sensor button_badge which says on/off instead of open and closed, is their a way to change this in Homekit Infused e.g. when door is on button badge shows “closed”, when door off door badge shows “open”.

Also having trouble adding the weather tile to my home page, every time I add, i get an unknown error “reload UI” every time i go back to the dashboard after a restart

# Home
    title: greeting
    show_in_navbar: true
    show_in_menu: false
    icon: mdi:home
        - title: hide
          columns: 3
        - title: Weather
          type: core
          entity: weather.forecast_showroom
          show_forecast: true
          path: weather

# Menu
    title: Menu
    show_in_navbar: true
    show_in_menu: false
    subtitle: "[[[ return `HKI 5 v.${states['sensor.hki_current_version'].state}`; ]]]"
    icon: mdi:apps
       - title: Menu

The last line of your shared code has wrong indentation, add a space in front of it.

        - title: Menu


Merci pour le projet, je viens d’installer la derniĂšre version 2022.5.1, tout marche Ă  merveille sauf le browser-mod Popup quand on clique par exemple sur une lumiĂšre j’ai l’erreur suivante et il n’affiche pas le rĂ©glage de la lumiĂšre
C’est une nouvelle installation de Home Assistant, et j’ai dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©installĂ© browser-mon et vider le cache safari et j’ai aussi essayĂ© avec l’application mobile IOS, c’est pareil:

Custom element doesn't exist: light-popup-card.
actionSize: 30px
actionsInARow: 3
brightnessHeight: 410px
brightnessWidth: 110px
entity: light.bande_led_salle_a_manger
fullscreen: false
settings: true
        .: |
          :host {
            --ha-card-background: transparent !important;
            --primary-text-color: AliceBlue !important;
          ha-card {
            background: transparent !important;
            color: AliceBlue !important;
            --paper-item-icon-color: auto !important;
            --paper-item-icon-active-color: #b58e31 !important;
            --primary-text-color: AliceBlue !important;
    entity: light.bande_led_salle_a_manger
  type: custom:more-info-card
settingsPosition: bottom
switchHeight: 410px
switchWidth: 110px
type: custom:light-popup-card

Est-ce que tu as installĂ© light-popup-card? Si non, tu doit installĂ© ça d’abord.

Tu touvera les instructions sur github.

1 Like

Yes je viens de voir cela en allant dans add-on Button qu’il faut installer des intĂ©grations front end supplĂ©mentaire
Merci à toi pour ta rapidité
Beaucoup de choses Ă  installer mais je vais y arriver

Bonne soirée

hello Jimmy, @jimz011
j’ai 9 vannes de radiateurs, est ce possible d’afficher la tempĂ©rature et rĂ©gler la tempĂ©rature dans les badge de notification en haut Ă  droite sur le tableau de bord ? pour le moment il affiche uniquement si activer ou non ?

After upgrade HKI 5 v2022.4.1 to HKI 5 v2022.5.1 I get an error:

type: custom:popup-card
entity: input_boolean.dummy1
title: ' '
size: wide
style: |
  --popup-background-color: black !important;
  --popup-header-background-color: var(--popup-background-color) !important;

  --popup-border-radius: 12px !important;
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: conditional
        - entity: binary_sensor.hallway_pir
          state_not: 'off'
        type: custom:button-card
        name: Zaznano gibanje hodnik!
        icon: mdi:alert
        entity: input_boolean.dummy1
          action: more-info
          haptic: light
          action: none
            - height: 30px
            - width: 300px
            - '--ha-card-background': transparent
            - box-shadow: none
            - overflow: visible
            - justify-self: start
            - font-family: var(--font-family)
            - color: var(--subtitle-text-color)
            - font-size: var(--subtitle-font-size)
            - font-weight: var(--subtitle-font-weight)
            - padding-left: 10px
            - margin-top: '-12px'
            - overflow: visible
            - height: 45px
            - width: 45px
            - position: absolute
            - top: '-6px'
            - left: 0px
            - overflow: visible
            - overflow: visible
            - color: var(--subtitle-text-color)
            - grid-template-areas: '"i n"'
            - grid-template-columns: 8% 1fr
            - grid-template-rows: 1fr
          - operator: '0'
            spin: false
          - value: 'off'
            spin: false
    - type: conditional
        - entity: binary_sensor.bathroom_pir
          state_not: 'off'
        type: custom:button-card
        name: Zaznano gibanje kopalnica!
        icon: mdi:alert
        entity: input_boolean.dummy1
          action: more-info
          haptic: light
          action: none
            - height: 30px
            - width: 300px
            - '--ha-card-background': transparent
            - box-shadow: none
            - overflow: visible
            - justify-self: start
            - font-family: var(--font-family)
            - color: var(--subtitle-text-color)
            - font-size: var(--subtitle-font-size)
            - font-weight: var(--subtitle-font-weight)
            - padding-left: 10px
            - margin-top: '-12px'
            - overflow: visible
            - height: 45px
            - width: 45px
            - position: absolute
            - top: '-6px'
            - left: 0px
            - overflow: visible
            - overflow: visible
            - color: var(--subtitle-text-color)
            - grid-template-areas: '"i n"'
            - grid-template-columns: 8% 1fr
            - grid-template-rows: 1fr
          - operator: '0'
            spin: false
          - value: 'off'
            spin: false