Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

Thanks for the help! Your workaround worked perfectly so for now it’s good :slight_smile:

Ah thanks, there did seem to be some issues with browser mod. Re-installed updated version, and updated HKI. Still getting browser mod errors though.

Should the below config entry be under configuration.yaml or in the hki-configuration.yaml file under the “packages” folder?

prefix “browser_”

Huh, actually after updating everything, cache clears and restarts, looks like maybe it’s the button-card that is the culprit here? Button-card is the latest version 3.4.2

Ah that is an easy fix. As explained in the docs, make sure you download the beta version, not the latest stable version. This is because the beta supports fire-dom-event which is required for popups to work in HKI5.

Go to HACS, to the button-card and click on redownload/reinstall and then make sure to tick show beta versions.
This card is the only exception as far as I know.

with the 2022.11 release for those that dont know, go to hki settings, select theme to edit, under cards (global) change border style to 0px and border width to 0px to fixe the borders the updates add to all cards.

That is correct, however that only fixes it for people that are not using the border style themselves. For the people that do use a border style, wait for the update which arrives this week!

Which version? I updated to 3.5.0-dev 1 last night and still same exact issue?

Yes that one, make sure that it is loaded correctly.

Press f12 in your browser and click on console. Check button card version there, alternatively use an incognito window as that doesnt use cache.

Sadly, confirmed running latest beta version, same behavior… :frowning: This was in an incognito window as well.

Could you maybe tell me what exactly it is that isnt working for you?

Nothing “pops up”. Press and hold on buttons and nothing comes up. Can’t get into settings or access any badges as they don’t “pop up” either. Appreciate all your help with this, and all the support you provide everyone else that uses your dashboard tools. The dashboards work and look great when they are functioning!

Did you follow the steps in the links I shared earlier regarding browser_mod?

Please uninstall it completely and restart (make sure there are no remains).
Then reinstall it, and then do not forget to add browser_mod via integrations (as that is now a thing). So not just the HACS component.

If you have done that correctly, you will get this in the sidebar:

You might have to register your browser after opening this tab.

I have done this already, and also ensured that “register” was selected. I can try again, maybe a fresh go at it will help. Couple quick questions on this:

  1. Does this ALSO need a component in HACS, or can you simply add it through integrations and be done with it?
  2. Where should the config code live for the prefix…in the main configuaration.yaml file (this is where it currently is) OR does it need to be in the hki-configuration file under the packages folder?


  1. Yes it also needs the custom component (you can not install it through the devices/integrations page if the custom component is not installed).
  2. You should not need the prefix if you do not use any of the special features, otherwise you can just put it in your own configuration file (the bits that HKI needs are already in the HKI configuration files and you should not need to change that).

I know it can be a bit finnicky to install this, that is why I say to remove it completely and restart and then make absolutely sure it is no longer present (so remove both the integration as well as the custom_component). Then restart HA and check if it is gone. If it is you can go ahead and reinstall it.
Make sure to clear cache afterwards. Last question though:
Do none of the popups work? Or do only some work (e.g. buttons do not work, but the header badges do work?) If that is the case then you should download and install this as well:

Please let me know the progress, if all fails I am willing to help you remotely (if that is something you would like).

It seems that ALL pop-ups are not functioning, as I can’t access any badges or settings either.

I am doing a full uninstall of HACS and integration, deleting all entities that may be left over, checking that all services are gone, etc, etc. Then I will re-install HACS component. Restart. Then install integration, select to register browser. Restart. Then will try again and let you know :slight_smile:

AH bummer, full uninstall, restart, reinstall, clear cache, same behavior. Although the reason looks different now, let me add the prefix code back to my main config file and see if that helps.

Looks like it can’t read the browser ID, but it is also mentioning button-card

The prefix shouldn’t do much other than change your browser_mod entities with a prefix.
Is it added to resources?

maybe try removing button-card and reinstall it as well.

Yup, resources are shoing for both browser mod and button card.

Going to try uninstalling button card, then reinstalling.
EDIT I really wonder if the button-card is the ultimate culprit here…because I can run the “pop-up” service direct from dev tools, and I get a pop-up window just fine. It seems like the button card is not cooperating.

Same result as I’ve been getting…no amount of uninstalling and reinstalling along with cache clears, restarts, etc, seems to yield any different results. Only think I can think of is that v3.5.0-dev.1 version of button card isn’t compatible. I don’t know what else to try.

I wouldn’t know then, it does seem like a button card problem.
The thing is, older versions of button-card do not support fire-dom-event that is the event used to trigger the popups in HKI. Only the 2 beta versions of button-card support it (you could try the other beta if it is still available).

But I myself use this image

I have even installed it recently on different machines without a problem. If browser_mod works when triggering it from the console then it surely is not the problem. I feel that button-card is the culprit here simply because of those errors you are having.

I also have warnings/errors in the console, but none of them are related to browser-mod/button-card.