Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

I switched to Google Calendar for the simple reason that there wasn’t a good functioning integration for Outlook at that time. I believe the o365 integration can handle this pretty well now, but I am too lazy to switch back and I’m perfectly fine with the Google Calendar being in it’s ecosystem anyways.

I will admit that setting it up was slightly harder if I remember it correctly, but nothing really special.

I have this button addon but the hold_action throws an error
Failed to call service mqtt/publish. Must at least contain at least one off topic, topic_template. I have included the topic so not sure why this wouldn’t work.

      - title: hide
        columns: 3
          - entity: switch.center_light
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            type: switch
            name: Center Light
          - entity: switch.mirror_light
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            type: switch
            name: Mirror Light
          - entity: switch.fan
            icon: mdi:fan
            name: Fan
            type: fan
          - entity: switch.towel_rack
            icon: mdi:radiator
            name: Towel Rack
            type: switch
            hold_action: #override external timer
              action: call-service
              service: mqtt.publish
                topic: cmnd/tasmota_xxxxxx/POWER4
                payload: 'on'
              target: {}
              button_badge: override            

Button card is slightly different when it comes to defining data within a service call, try this instead:

          - entity: switch.towel_rack
            icon: mdi:radiator
            name: Towel Rack
            type: switch
            hold_action: #override external timer
              action: call-service
              service: mqtt.publish
                topic: cmnd/tasmota_xxxxxx/POWER4
                payload: 'on'
              target: {}

Not sure if it will work, I don’t really use mqtt that much myself. But seeing the device you use has Tasmota, why not properly integrate it and then just do a service_call on the entity that gets created?

Hi Jim,
It’s not the integration itself, it’s the behaviour of the card I think. The calendar tab shows all calendars, both Google & Outlook ones. But in the card itself it returns an error message for the Outlook calendars. I’m now trying to link my Outlook calendar into Google but so far no luck.

To Whom It May Concern: integration of my Outlook.com calender into Google Calendar has been successful so that would solve my issue… Use the ICS link iso the HTML link!

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I know this is fairly old but wonder whether you can give me a pointer. It appears you have some sensors that measure travel? time and time at a location; e.g. home for 1 min? Is that correct? If so how are you calculating this?


I’m trying to adopt the people card but face some issue with the placement of the location (home etc.).


Given I used the code from @jimz011 I’m not sure why this is out. Unless the dimensions of the pix are out. What are the pix dimensions or should this automatically resize as long as it’s square?

Any ideas what’s going on here?

Does anyone know why I’m getting this error in top right corner?

You are probably missing custom:config-template-card (the Addon)

just for those having issues with command line after 2023.6.0 update onwards for now until a update you can do below.

Goto config.yaml and were the packages: !include line is, make it look like this instead

      !include_dir_named packages/
command_line: !include command_line.yaml

create a file on your config folder and call it command_line.yaml in this paste

# Latest HKI Version
  - sensor:
      name: HKI Latest Version
      command: "curl -s https://jimz011.github.io/homekit-infused/version | grep  'Current Version' | sed 's/Current Version: //'"
      scan_interval: 21600
# Latest Compatible HA Version
  - sensor:
      name: Latest Compatible HA Version
      command: "curl -s https://jimz011.github.io/homekit-infused/version_compatible | grep  'Latest Compatible Version' | sed 's/Latest Compatible Version: //'"
      scan_interval: 21600
# Latest Home Assistant Version
  - sensor:
      name: Home Assistant Latest Version
      command: "curl -s https://www.home-assistant.io | grep  'Current Version' | sed 's/Current Version: //'"
      scan_interval: 21600

then open up First go to folder \packages\homekit-infused\hki_sensors.yaml file and find the same sensors from above, but they will look like this

   name: HKI Latest Version
   command: "curl -s https://jimz011.github.io/homekit-infused/version | grep  'Current Version' | sed 's/Current Version: //'"
   scan_interval: 21600

delete all 3 of the sensors from the " \packages\homekit-infused\hki_sensors.yaml " (Latest HKI version, latest compatible ha version, home assistant version) and then restart and its done

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I have an issue with a custom add-on. This code was used in an earlier iteration of a (mushroom) dashboard. The issue is with animations.

Animations work on the HKI Custom Light theme but don’t work on the HKI Default. Could this be an inconsistency in the theme or do I need to change the code?

Here’s the code

    custom_2: # Mainroom AC integration
      - title: hide
            mediaquery: "(min-width: 150px)"
          - type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
            entity: climate.daikin_ac
            name: Main Room AC
            show_temperature_control: true
            collapsible_controls: true
              - heat_cool
              - heat
              - cool
              - dry
              - fan_only
              style: |
                mushroom-shape-icon {
                  {% if is_state(config.entity, 'heat_cool') %}
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'heat') %}
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'cool') %}
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'dry') %}
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'fan_only') %}
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %};
                  display: flex;
                  {% if is_state(config.entity, 'heat_cool') %}
                  animation: rotation 1.5s linear infinite;
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'heat') %}
                  animation: rotation 1.5s linear infinite;
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'cool') %}
                  animation: rotation 1.5s linear infinite;
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'dry') %}
                  animation: rotation 1.5s linear infinite;
                  {% elif is_state(config.entity, 'fan_only') %}
                  animation: rotation 1.5s linear infinite;
                  {% endif %}
                @keyframes rotation {
                  100% {
                  transform: rotate(360deg);

So it does work on the custom themes?

Try adding !important to your css code.

Ok, I’ll try that

Couldn’t get this to work - even with the help of ChatGPT :slight_smile: but found that the HKI Custom Dark theme works as needed so I put this onto the backburner for now.

I’m at a loss on what’s going on so maybe this will provide some help.

For a while now I have this strange situation where seemingly at random all lights in the house come on. I saw in the logbook that the sensor.current_entities_on changes count to 10 which is the current count of lights and I traced this back to homekit infused header-base.yaml.

Opening the file on the Studio Code Server in Home Assistant I have all these errors. I haven’t touched this file at all. While it doesn’t make logical sense that any issues in this file would affect my light entities I would like to understand why these errors show up and whether this could be related to the issue with the lights.

I’m running on the latest HKI release (2021.1.3) and Studio Code Server 5.8.1.

Any insights?

Please help me to solve this issue. In the menu, regardless of what I do, the page appears to me as in the attched images. This issue occurs on Android and PC.

Thanks in advance.

I had a question.

I was wanting to put a rooms view under menu them when I click it, it’ll open a rooms view and within that I can click on which room view I want to see. Is that possible? Thanks

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Not sure I understand correctly. The attached is from my test setup. You can see the mix between rooms (e.g. bathroom) and device type (e.g. batteries).

You click on the room tile (bathroom) and it opens a new view with all devices in that room. Is that what youre after?

iam loving the dashboard and the possibility’s even it is a lot to take in for a beginner.

Iam adjusting the personal setup from @jimz011 and i came a long way.
i get stuck trying to get a flower card working, i want to use the custom:flower-card working but i cannot get it to work or even the plant-status addon for that part.
I have the view on the fav menu, iam using the split config but dont get what i have to put in the planten.yaml to make it work.

same is for the curtain, i have the gordijnen.yaml but cant figure out what i have to put in it.

Hopefully somebody can give me some pointers or examples.

first of all I would like to thank you for this brilliant work - I managed to adapt many things to my dashboard but there is one thing I am struggling and I would kindly ask for help.:
I use Homematic on raspberrymatic and HA local integration with HMIP thermostats and homekit infused addon for thermostats.
I have 2 kinds of thermostats, etrv-2 and etrv-b. Basically the same but there must be something different. When clicking on the thermostat button in homekit infused the etrv-2 toggle between on and off as they should do. The etrv-b unfortunately do … nothing at all.

Anybody who had the same issue and solved it?
thanks in advance