Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

Hi @jimz011 ,

After installing and configuring the HKI5, I’m having trouble with the upper right icons and badges. After defining my entities in the device counter, configuring persons I have following issue (but can’t read it) regarding the profile (picture 2with the red exclamation mark) and on either icon I click to see for example the lamps, I get picture 1 (blanc page)

Can you help ?



Screenshot 2023-08-25 picture

I’m having the same, did you manage to resolve ?

Sounds like both of you are missing the config-template-card addon, or… your username is different from your user. For this to work properly you need all the addons installed and make sure that the username is the same as the person name (preferably no hyphens or underscores). You can check the username/person names in the settings.

Anyone ? Can’t access my HKI settings with the issue on profile (red exclamation mark)

Ready my last comment, it was an answer to your question.

Hi @jimz011

I’m trying to use auto-entities together with HKI5. Still getting errors on the use of the cards together with add-ons. This is the code:

  title: Batterij Status
  show_in_favorites: false
  show_in_navbar: true
  icon: mdi:battery-check
        - title: test
            - type: config-template-card
                 - input_number.battery_alert_level
                threshold: states['input_number.battery_alert_level'].state
              - type: custom:auto-entities
                  - type: entities
                    state_color: true
                      style: |
                        ha-card {
                          box-shadow: none;
                          margin: 0px -16px;
                    - attributes:
                        device_class: battery
                      state: "${ '<=' + threshold}"
                    - name: /[Ll]ow/
                    - name: /[Ss]tate/

Anyone got an idea what’s going wrong ?



I am facing the same problem with the Light Theme. Did you meanwhile solve it? Can it be that the text and icon colors of the pop-ups are hard coded?

That is correct, unfortunately my workload at this moment is extremely high giving me no time to work on updates. I will fix it but I can not give any time frame.

At this moment you should probably stick with darker themes until this gets resolved.

Hi Jim. I am determined to try and give this another go. I really like the look of it but always get hung up on something and revert to something easier. I am really looking to mimic this setup , do you provide the code for this? It would really help me get rolling and think i can work it out from there.

Also i seem to have an issue but its off the screen so not sure what is wrong.

Hi Jim

I have built a fresh VM with HKI installed and now not seeing that error above. I also found all your config and am working through that. I have a question.

In your frontpage-photo-jimmy.yaml you have this entity which i think is working out if you are in the office or at home.

entity: sensor.reistijd_jimmy_work

Can i ask what the sensor is? I didnt look like a mobile device as that was a different name.

Also the weather card is not displying. I have changed it from eindhoven to London

@McFarTech it is the Waze sensor and I use my phone as endpoint. As for the weather card, its a real biatch for some people. Make sure that you have setup a weather entity and use that entity. Also make sure that you have simple-weather-card installed.

I run into the same issue. @jimz011 do you know about this?

In notifications I nerver see an icon. It is the same for all themes. Any idea?

Are you using iOS?

Yes, I use iOS

I have heard this from several iOS users now. Unfortunately I don’t have an iOS device to test stuff. i’ll try and borrow one from my colleagues if I can.

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@jimz011 I found something on my PC. It is not a OS problem. The source file is missing, because I have no folder named hacsfiles. But why?

Sounds like you did not install the light popup card, for what it is worth, the latest HKI no longer uses that card. So you can safely ignore it.

Oh, thanks! But I installed HomeKit Infused 5 3 days ago. An “button-card” is installed in version 4.1.1