Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

The folder hacsfiles is /www/community, so if you have the files in there you should be fine. Check if they are loaded in resources settings > dashboards > top right menu > resources

Hi can I change the popup of the thermostat buttons to better thermostat? I would like to open the better thermostat card instead of the hki popup when holding the button.
Thanks for help

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Should be possible with the button addon instead,

    - title: my thermostats
        - type: thermostat
          entity: climate.kitchen
            action: more-info

If you mean with better thermostat the default HA thermostat that is. If you want to use a custom card instead then you will need to change the tap_action action into a service-call and call a popup that way (a little browser_mod knowledge would be required for this)

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        - title: hide
          type: core
          entity: weather.home
          city_name: McDonough
          backdrop: true
          show_forecast: true
          path: weather
        - cards:
            - type: 'custom:weather-radar-card'
              frame_count: 10
              center_latitude: -25.567607
              center_longitude: 152.930597
              marker_latitude: -26.175328
              marker_longitude: 152.653189
              show_marker: true
              show_range: true
              show_zoom: true
              show_recenter: true
              show_playback: true
              zoom_level: 8

For the weather - I am trying to add a radar card under the 5 day weather from here. I have already loaded the resource and tried it inside/outside a custom. The yaml doesn’t throw an error, but doesn’t load the card either. Any ideas or directions? (lat/long are straight copies for implementation/testing).

Playing around with the ‘area-card’. The default settings consumed quite some screen real estate, so I adjusted the number of columns to decrease the card size. That works. However the name/icon/label size are also way too big.

Unfortunately, changing the pixel size for these respective attributes does not seem to impact the front end? Options name_size, sensor_label_size and sensor_icon_size are set to 2px and still the cards show up like this:

Only the label seems to be adjusted?!

Thanks in advance!

Hi Jim, love this! Do you have a link to your repo?

Just rebuilding the dashboard as I have a new HA instance. Followed the installation guide (Homekit Infused 5 | Homekit Infused 5 2023) but get this error on the new Homekit Infused page that that custom:popup-card doesn’t exist. Did I miss something in the installation?

Also it looks like the font is out at the notification bar.

None of the icons on the top right are working

please tell me what’s wrong the button is not visible the code if I’m not mistaken is correct

redownload browser_mod

Please post in English.

well done already

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Are you using any templates in those buttons? Or non existing entities? The button will fail to render if a template is incorrect.


HKI is compatible with HA 2023.12.x, before updating to this version please make sure to update lovelace_gen in HACS. Failing to do so will break your setup.

I did the updates this morning and it killed my dashboard

Are you on the latest or beta? If latest then downgrade lovelace_gen!

Hi Jim, the dashboard is up and running again. The only thing that is not functioning properly is when clicking on one of the pop ups. They show up but with a very strange lay-out:

Any idea what’s causing this? I’m on the latest version of HA.

Hi Jim et al.,

Again, thank you so much for sharing your code and platform!

I seem to be having some issues with the thermostat add-on (and probably the code in the hki-button template.


  • Core2023.12.4
  • Supervisor 2023.12.0
  • Operating System 11.2
  • Frontend 20231208.2
  • Latest homekit infused (6.3)
  • Using nearly all of the pre-defined stuff from the repository from Jim

The problem:

Recently I gained issues with the thermostat card (the normal one, provided by home assistant) whereby the card couldn’t handle all three topic for the temperature in the mqtt climate yaml config https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mqtt-climate-card-broken-for-temperature-changes-ebusd/656133?u=benv

The solution was to delete temperature_state_topic, to make the card work again.

  temperature_state_topic: "iot/ebusd/boiler/370/DisplayedHc1RoomTempDesired"
  temperature_low_state_topic: "iot/ebusd/boiler/370/Hc1NightTemp"
  temperature_high_state_topic: "iot/ebusd/boiler/370/Hc1DayTemp"

Now because of this, the code in the template part of the hki-button.yaml didn’t work anymore (I modified it a bit below which temperature I wanted) because this temperature is not available anymore for all of my thermostat cards… makes sense… as i changed it for all my thermostat cards.

{% if label is defined %}
label: {{ label|tojson }}
{% elif ('light.' in entity) %}
label: "[[[ if (typeof(entity) === 'undefined') return; if ('brightness' in entity.attributes) { if (entity.attributes && (entity.attributes.brightness <= 255)) { var bri = Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness / 2.55); return (bri ? bri : '0') + '%'; } } ]]]"
{% elif ('cover.' in entity) %}
label: "[[[ if (entity.attributes.current_position === '0') return; else return (entity.attributes.current_position) + '%' ]]]"
{% elif ('climate.' in entity) or ('button_type' == 'thermostat') %}
label: "[[[ if (states['{{entity}}'].state == 'heat_cool') return `${states['{{entity}}'].attributes.temperature}°`; if (states['{{entity}}'].state == 'auto') return `${states['sensor.ebusd_desired_room_temperature'].state}°`; if (states['{{entity}}'].state == 'heat') return `${states['{{entity}}'].attributes.temperature}°`; if (states['{{entity}}'].state == 'cool') return `${states['{{entity}}'].attributes.temperature}°`; else return `--` ]]]"

#label: "[[[ if (states['{{entity}}'].state == 'heat_cool') return `${states['{{entity}}'].attributes.target_temp_low}° - ${states['{{entity}}'].attributes.target_temp_high}°`; if (states['{{entity}}'].state == 'heat') return `${states['{{entity}}'].attributes.temperature}°`; if (states['{{entity}}'].state == 'cool') return `${states['{{entity}}'].attributes.temperature}°`; else return `--` ]]]"
{% else %}

Now to circumvent this, I wanted to hardcode the label (I made a separte mqtt sensor for the temp I want to have for one of my cards) inside the button itself (this should overrule the template right?) however this doesn’t seem to work and it keeps using the template (which doesn’t work).

      - title: Thermostats
          - entity: climate.cv
            icon: mdi:fire
            # attribute: state
            state_display: |
                return states['climate.cv'].state
            label: |
                return states['sensor.ebusd_desired_room_temperature'].state;
            type: thermostat

Also i could start with modifying the template, but seems like a lot of work as this willl be used by 3 separate climate entities. Any ideas on why the hardcode doesn’t seem to take?

Thanks for taking a look!


I read on the Discord that this is due to HA changing themes. The dark theme still looks fine.

Small bump, no ideas?

Hi Jim,

Small question, did you ever get the chance to put the code for these nice device cards online? Would love to develop some further on your design.

Many thanks,!
