Installed the recent HomeKit integration for HA under docker in macOS. When scanning the HomeKit-Accessory-Code displayed in the HA-message the iOS HomeKit-App recognizes a bridge to be added to the HomeKit-Setup. But from there on the App tries endlessly to pair and finally fails.
I suppose this has something to do with networking/mDNS-issues caused by docker (see: Homekit not working with docker · Issue #15692 · home-assistant/core · GitHub). The most common idea is to set
network_mode: host
in the
But while starting the container, docker exits with
docker.errors.InvalidArgument: "host" network_mode is incompatible with port_bindings home assistant
since the container will act like its an application running on this server and therefore needs no port-bindings I suppose? Sure, I can remove the port-bindings, but after that I cannot reach the Home-Assistant´s Webfrontend-Server on port 8123 from any network-ip except localhost.
Any help would be appreciated - please, I’m really getting desperate after days of unsuccessful tries!
Thank you all!