Homekit no response

My setup:
tried both hassio 0.96.3 and 0.96.2 running in docker(Ubuntu LTS on intel NUC8)
Fibaro HC2 as Z-wave controller, added in configuration.yaml
Homekit parameter:

  port: 51828

At the beginning, I wasn’t able to add HA bridge in Homekit at all, so I changed port number to 51828 after a bit research. Now that HA bridge is added to Homekit along with 20+ Z-wave devices.
The problem is, everything works as expected for the first 60 seconds or so, then everything goes “no response” in Homekit, but works fine in hassio.
My problem is very similar to this fellow, Homekit devices "Not Responding"
So I tried 'docker exec -it homeassistant pip install git+https://github.com/ikalchev/HAP-python@dev
’ still the same problem. I’ve also tried removing homekit.states and clean install.
The only log in hassio is the follwing, but some googling tells me this should not be the cause:

2019-07-22 15:34:49 WARNING (zeroconf-Engine) [zeroconf] Exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 2245, in send
    bytes_sent = s.sendto(packet, 0, (addr, port))
PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted

and, this is after 30 seconds when everything goes ‘no response’. is my Apple TV

2019-07-22 22:15:26 DEBUG (StateHandler) [fiblary3.client.v4.client] <Response [200]>
2019-07-22 22:15:53 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.ssdp] Scanning
2019-07-22 22:15:56 DEBUG (StateHandler) [fiblary3.client.v4.client] <Response [200]>
2019-07-22 22:16:04 DEBUG (Thread-4) [pyhap.hap_server] Cleaning connection to ('', 49266)
2019-07-22 22:16:26 DEBUG (StateHandler) [fiblary3.client.v4.client] <Response [200]>
2019-07-22 22:16:54 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.ssdp] Scanning
2019-07-22 22:16:56 DEBUG (StateHandler) [fiblary3.client.v4.client] <Response [200]>
2019-07-22 22:17:26 DEBUG (StateHandler) [fiblary3.client.v4.client] <Response [200]>
2019-07-22 22:17:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.ssdp] Scanning
2019-07-22 22:17:56 DEBUG (StateHandler) [fiblary3.client.v4.client] <Response [200]>

I’m fairly new to Linux, any help would be highly appreciated.

Do you happen to have any “real” homekit devices? If so, try to add just one to homekit (the actual homekit). This is a problem I faced when using OpenHAB in the past where it would only stay connected if there was at least 1 homekit accessory connected. Might not work though, but it had worked for me in the past.

Easiest way would be if you have Tradfri lights as they are easy to setup in homekit.

No I don’t, but I have Homebridge for HC2 and HomeYkit for Athom Homey running for 6 months and 2 months respectively without any issue. I’ve tried to remove and add them back with no issue either.

hi @halfcarrot,
I’m running literally same issue. have you managed to fix it?

It turned out to be the issue with UniFi Security Gateway. Since I replaced it with Linksys WRT 1200, it’s been working fine for a couple of months.

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I’m getting this issue, how do you fixed?

Check out the following link:

I have implemented the port forward of port 5353 with UDP to hassio IP and can now access all my devices in Apple Home while outside the wireless network - Before doing this access to devices was very hit and miss