HomeKit sync

Hi there
I installed my Home Assistant on an Rasperry Pi 3 long time ago. Everythings working fine with the HASS app. I can use the cover and light switches to manage my smart home. Also with Siri and my apple watch.

Now I have the issue, that every time I tell siri to turn on/off a light or to shut a cover, it tells me that the device is not reachable. After opening the Home App on iPhone or Apple watch, the status of all devices are updated and then I can use siri.
Is there any idea, how I can “optimize” the home app that the status of all devices are up to date?

Hope you get what I mean.

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Also having the same problem here. Have you found a solution for this?
I think it is the new upgraded architecture.
In my case I do not have a HomeKit steering central / hub but it seems to work quite okay with iPhone. Apple Watch however is a bummer here.

Do you have a hub? Which devices are lagging for you?