HomeMatic Addon - Not possible to add CCU2 LAN Gateway


Been bashing my head on the wall all afternoon around this…

Background: I am in the process of moving to a Home Assistant / HomeMatic Addon based configuration from a physical Homematic CCU3 configuration that has a wired CCU2 configured as a LAN Gateway to extend range to distant outdoor devices (This is confirmed working in the old setup).

The add-on is installed and working perfectly fine - I have a number of HomeMatic devices connected and working.

Problem: I am unable to configure and connect the CCU2 Gateway using the same steps I use successfully on the Physical CCU3. In particular, the last step is to use the CCU Maintenance menu to trigger a restart of the CCU. (This dialog appears “grey” in the Home Assistant Homematic add-on). When I restart the HomeMatic add-on from the Home Assistant Supervisor menu, and return to the Homematic add-on configuration, I find that the gateway details have not been saved.

The screenshot below is taken from the HomeMatic add-on web-gui before the config is lost after the restart of the add-on. Note that in the Physical CCU3, the gateway appears with the status Active when the connection is properly established.

  • The CCU2 has been updated with latest available firmware
  • The CCU2 was converted to a gateway mode according to this information
  • The CCU2 is no longer connected to the CCU3 when trying to connect to the HomeMatic add-on

Anyone out there with a CCU2 gateway working in the HomeMatic Add-on?

Thanks in advance!