You can ignore the skipping init message. The init is only performed for interfaces, not for hosts. It is still being logged for troubleshooting purposes. The being said, with the next release of Home Assistant the message will only be at level info, not warning to reduce the confusion.
Ok, nice. But why don’t I see my thermostat in HA? Is there any log I can check this? I only have the homematic.ccu3 entity but nothing else. I’m using uptodate
Hard to say, as you haven’t properly formatted your configuration. You should see messages related to HomeMatic along with the one you are already seeing. Since you don’t, there either is something wrong with the configuration, or it’s actually working. Keep in mind, that you have to add entities to your UI if you want to see them.
Since this is probably the first time you work with these devices, then here is a few hints.
The level attribute is the amount of percentage that the thermostate valve is open.
The valve attribute is saying what state the thermostate is in, like insert mode, adapting and adapted.
a value of 2 is insert mode, which means you probably have to manually go press the adaption button on the device. A value of 3 means it is in the process of adapting the thermostate to the valve and a value of 4 means that it is now adapted and ready to be used. I do not know what other values means, but it seems that if the value is not 4, then you can not control it remotely.
You can turn on the boost mode through the integration, but you can not turn it off again.
You either choose to let it run its course or you install xmlapi on the CCU3 and find the id for the boost off channel. Then call it as a restful command from home assistant like “”.
Calling “” will give you a list of the commands available. !!! xmlapi opens up the homematic system and might be a security risk, since there is no access control !!!
Sometimes you need to reset the device and pair it again, but if you have played around with that device to learn a bit, then be aware that home assistant keep the old name of the first import, so look for other names in home assistant and do a rename there then.
I don’t know why it doesn’t work. I have no errors in the log and I do not see the thermostat ( I was going to switch to homematic since the thermostats seem to be more accurate than the z-wave. But I think I will stay with the z-wave if the CCU3 can not be integrated correctly or I am the fault
I have had a few issues with the paring where I had to do a reset and pair it again, but once it is working it seems solid, and mine have been working for a year or so without issues of that kind.
I have had issues with the automations on the CCU3 itself though, where the link between a wall thermostat and the actual thermostat at the valve failed, but I have now moved all the automatic to node-red and home assistant and its just working perfectly now.
I have done a factory reset of the thermostat and re-added it. Nothing has changed. The thermostat cannot be found in HA and nothing in the logs. Is it possible that HA cannot detect the new thermostat?
You can see other devices, so your connection to CCU3 works.
It might be that you thermostat is a new version and the integrations needs to be updated.
Or is it better to go with the Access Point/WLAN Access Point instead of the CCU3 and use the direct integration in HA? Or switching to the Bosch system which is the same.
Now I see the problem (@WallyR is right). The thermostat you have bought is brand new and not yet supported. Or to be more precise, support has been added just recently here, but that code is not yet part of Home Assistant. Due to the release schedules of Home Assistant and the code not being published yet, you might have to wait for the December release for the thermostat to be supported.
Even though you could switch to the other integration, I can not recommend doing that. It’s cloud based, which might not be what you want. Also as far as I know the maintainer has meanwhile switched to other products, meaning there aren’t many updates. So it could very well be, that your thermostat isn’t supported there as well, and if not, may never will be. Usually the users are migrating from the IP integration to this integration, not the other way around.
I have published the new version and requested the merge here. So now it’s up to the HA team when this will arrive in HA.