as the latest version of homematic´s ccu3 is now available, i am reaching out the homematic people here. my expectation would be to get it integrated with HASS without problems as the underlying communication stack is still the same, just on top of new hardware.
did anyone already try it?
@danielperna84 maybe you got some background to share already
I don’t have one and probably won’t get one. But I assume the XML-RPC API is still available, so I don’t think any changes are required. Maybe resolving names via JSON-RPC stops working. But since HASS 0.77 HomeMatic supports the entity registry, so resolving names isn’t that important because you can rename your devices however you want.
I made my own CCU3 with a Raspberry Pi 3 and the new RPI-RF-MOD card and RaspberryMatic. It works very well and is considerably faster than the old CCU2. Integration with HA is greatly aided if you install the XML-API plugin on the CCU and use the - resolvenames: xml in your configuration.yaml
The only problem I have is rebooting the CCU drops the connection with HA. However,once I got it setup it’s been rock solid.
That’s normal. HA does not automatically reconnect because the XML-RPC API does not provide a native way of pinging it to see if it’s online. You an use an automation as a workaround as explained in the documentation.
I saw that, but I decided not to use it as I was simply replacing a fully configured CCU2 with a CCU3. Once it was setup, I haven’t had to reboot it. I’m still getting my HA server configured so that get restarted/rebooted quite often.
In the long run though it is still useful. Just yesterday the power went out for half a second. My Raspberry with HA running on it is powered through a power bank, so it didn’t shut down. The CCU2 however went offline, and because I didn’t have the automation everything related to HomeMatic stopped working.
It is not recommended to use the XML-API for resolving names. The CCU always has JSON available out of the box. The XML-API is just a remnant from the early days of the Home Assitant integration for HomeMatic and might get disabled in the future because it has no advantages over the JSON-solution.
Regarding the topic itself: the CCU3 is fully compatible. Home Assistant also gained support for authentication and SSL with the CCU3 a few releases ago. So from a security standpoint the CCU3 / RaspberryMatic should be favoured over the CCU2.
@danielperna84 I decided to take your advice and move to json name resolution, but i can’t get it to work on I setup a test docker install of HA, and all I get is the serial numbers of devices. XML-API works fine.
Any ideas?
Thank you for the reply. I had “Ports open”, “Full access”, “Full access” and “Full access” on the firewall, which I thought would avoid problems connecting. I changed them to your settings but no difference. The user Guest is admin and I use callback_ip and callback_port as HA runs under docker. Here is the configuration.yaml I use: