Homematic integration HmIP-BWTH with information from channel 10 for state on / off

Hi all,

I search for a solution to get some values from Homematic to home assistant.

my setup:
Home Assistant version 2023.10.5
Add ON RaspberryMatic CCU version:
Connection HA to HM in configuration.yml with homematic: … interfaces: … hmip: …

I got all my devices from Homematic into home assistant, but not all informations from those devices.

my actual case I have a device “HmIP-BWTH” it is a Homematic IP wall mounted thermostat for floor heating with humidity sensor. I got the sensor in home assistant and also a climate device with additional attributes. but in the attributes I miss the information if the relay is on or off from special channel number 10 from this device. this information is needed to knew if the floor is heating right now or not. cause floor heating has no “level” for hot water control. it is open or closed. so the thermostat switch in on or off.
It seems all informations from channel 1 from the device are in home assistant

the described solution above is to create my own sensor and grep the state information from the climate device attribute. but how do I get the special attribute I need, if it is not there.

I tried to read the docs from home assistant for homematic but in don’t understand how I can get informations that are not provided by default. maybe someone can help me and also describe how to test this .