HomeMatic IP Climate Missing Options


i need some help with the hmIP integration. i Have a CCU3 up an running (raspberrymatic). All my etrv-2 radiator thermostats are connected and working. The connection between HA and CCU was a bit fiddling - the instructions are not very clear and completly, but it is finally working (i can read and set temperature) with the climate service. But some things are confusing me:

  • all other devices appear as a device with entitys under the coresponding integration, but the HmIP Devices do not. i guess they are not displayed under hm-integration because it is not editable vie WebUI, but i assume the have to be listed as devices (e.g radiator thermostat HmIP-etrv-2 kitch in CCU -> HA:devices:radiator Kitchen) with multiple entitys. Instead i only get 2 entitys for each thermostat(“low bat” and “climate” with the possibility to show measured Temp, Set temp, set Heating mode, read rssi) not belonging to a device. ist this correct?
  • i am missing many information eg. Valve Position, Temp Offset, Boost-Mode, … how can i get them?

i found some values that can be read using templates, but again, this is not all the thermostat supports. i need the temp-offset to change this in an automation with temp.-sonsor in the room. or is the possible to write the “current_temperature” state?

  - auto
  - heat
  - 'off'
min_temp: 4.5
max_temp: 30.5
target_temp_step: 0.5
  - boost
current_temperature: 21.5
temperature: 21
preset_mode: null
interface: hmip
battery: High
rssi_device: -65
valve: 4
level: 0.59
mode: null
voltage: 2.7
friendly_name: XXXXXXXX
supported_features: 17

Is there anything wrong with my configuration or do i need to open a feature request? In IoBroker it was much easier to connect the ccu and all possible values were shown and editable instead.

Thank you very much!