Homematic IP CO2 Sensor (HMIP-SCTH230) using with HM cloud in HA


Is my first posting, so please forgive me if I am wrong here.

My question is → I do not see the HMIP-SCTH230 in the Homematic integration. I am running homematic through their cloud. Is there no integration in HA for this combination yet?

Does no one have this sensor in use, can no one help me there?
Or did I make a mistake in the post because no one gives me an answer?
Please for your support :pray:

The device might not be supported by the cloud integration, which is why no one can help you with your question.

If it’s an option, you could switch to a CCU-based setup, in which case you can use the new integration. There your device should be supported properly and you’d be independent of the could. But you probably have to invest in the hardware first to make use of this option.

Thanks for the feedback!

So I can only hope that here still comes an integration :pray: … or just switch to the CCU. I have already considered it with the 2 channel temperature sensor (HmIP-STE2-PCB), which was initially also only available for the CCU.


does anyone here happen to have news or better yet a solution for running the HMIP-SCTH230 without CCU, alo with the cloud in HA?

I have created a feature requast for the HMIP-SCTH230 Integration in Home Assistant. I am also unable to see this device in Home Assistant.

I am not Sure, but i think this device is included in the Homematic IP Cloud because it shoulb be posible to track the data and this function is a cloud solution.